
Friday 23 March 2012

Fence progress

The fence is looking fab. Mr D is doing a great job despite the rain playing havoc with his schedule. He's working on the gates now that the main fence is done.

The big thick posts we used for the gate posts look impressively substantial, don't they?

Hopefully all will be finished next week if the weather holds up. And then I need to think about a new mail box. Any suggestions?

Queenslander fence

Another thing to be painted!


  1. It is looking great! Letter boxes....don't know a lot but there is a letterbox shop at the coorparoo end of cav rd before the lights that I have heard is good., on the left coming from your place. Cheers Katherine

  2. Looking good, they match well with the window features! Deliberate? But when will you feature some nice pink flamingo's on the lawn? :)

  3. It's looking really good already! As for the letterbox, I wouldn't go anything too modern, I think something more 'traditional' looking woulg go nicely with the new fence :)

  4. I'll say it's looking fab!! What will you do once there's nothing left to paint?!

  5. Love it love it. Interesting and stylish and very much suits the house. spot on actually. melx

  6. Love the fancy fence! I don't thin k I've ever bought a letterbox so no help there I'm afraid!

  7. Funny...I just purchased a new letterbox today! They don't come cheap! To use the words of another..."I thought I was buying a letterbox, not shares in Rio Tinto!"

  8. Funny...I just purchased a new letterbox today! They don't come cheap! To use the words of another..."I thought I was buying a letterbox, not shares in Rio Tinto!"

  9. When you find a decent letterbox can you let me know? I don't know what to choose although I'm sure whatever I do pick, our Postie is going to love us for it. For the past 2 years we've had one resting on a besser block!

  10. Your fence is looking great!

  11. Your fence is very stylish and just right for your house. My suggestion for a letterbox is substantial. Having helped my son with his paper round in the past, I was amazed at the tiny little boxes some people have - the postman must get very frustrated trying to fit larger envelopes through small slots.

  12. The fence looks great! I love the thick posts. You've given me some ideas for when we do a new fence at our place. Have a great weekend. Ange

  13. It IS looking fab! Did you design the pattern?

  14. LOL, good thing you guys luuurve painting!!! Its looking fantastic!

  15. IMPRESSIVE!! Lookin' really good.

  16. Looks fab! Bet you can't wait to watch Jason paint it.

    TDM xx

  17. Wow, that looks fabulous! I love the details and the style you chose. Very stylish. Won't it look great painted.I hope Jason starts painting before it gets too might be a bit chilly painting without a shirt in Winter!

    Best wishes,

  18. Just wondering worriedly, Anita, how you will cope with delivery of giveaway wins to your house while you are temporarily without a mailbox?

  19. I think the fence is going to really make the sow's ear! Can't wait to see it when it's painted.

  20. We're planning a fence almost identical to yours - they're not cheap though! I really really want to know the name of your builder... Oh, and btw, our house is awfully similar to yours and in similar condition. Unfortunately we have nada renovation skills except painting, so we have to outsource EVERYTHING. Great to see the progress on your house. I like the crisp white you've used. We're agonising over exterior colours.

  21. Hiya! I've sent you an email. xx


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