
Sunday 11 March 2012

Painting under the deck again

Our home improvement endeavours are not particularly exciting at the moment. The past couple of weekends have been spent under the deck painting the joists. It really is a dull task.

Jason spent most of yesterday getting as much done as physically possible ( I took the kids out for a swim in the afternoon so he was undisturbed because we're a noisy lot). Luckily he did because it looks like it may rain today.

With the weather looking glum, today will be spent filling the gaps with "No More Gaps". Fun, fun. Next weekend, if the weather is on our side, we will do the second coat of white. That dark heritage green is hard to cover.

Such a big area to cover but by the end of the day the first coat was close to being finished
And a glimpse of the shirtless one for those having withdrawal symptoms

It will need another coat as it is still quite patchy
And in more exciting news, we've hired someone to build our new front fence. Work will commence shortly. Hooray!


  1. It certainly is nice to have someone else do the hard work for you for a change. Years ago on our first house we (by we I mean my hubby & neighbours) had to replace the whole fence on all four sides! 19.6 perch of fencing (I have no idea on how many metres that is). It was a big task but there were several young couples in the street all doing the renovating thing as we all had our own "Sow's Ears" to make beautiful. I was chief salad sandwich maker & beer bringer. Fun times back then.
    As for the weather today, I think it might get better. Sun was blaring a minute ago.

  2. I need to know what formula you used to get your DIY devotee to hand something over to a tradesman! It's the speed with which a trade can get things done on week days that I yearn for!

  3. As I have said before, "he's a keeper". A-M xx

  4. I can't believe Jason's not doing the fence!

  5. We've been painting too this weekend. The fun never ends ...
    Yes, I'm also surprised Jason is not building the fence :)

  6. Yeah, I know. He toyed with the idea but constructing the gates by himself put him off...if Mr Rooney was still in Brisbane he may have been braver. Also time. I think he likes the idea of having some free time on his weekends.

  7. It's looking good under the deck. Great to hear the fence work will be starting soon. Can't wait to see more photos. Ange

  8. Yay on an upcoming fence build and alway nice to see a bit of the shirtless one. Legoman was most unimpressed that I released a recent photo of him pruning shoeless. He felt it made him look reckless and un safety conscious to be seen pruning without footwear. I then pointed out that he had not actually been recklessly pruning without shoes? I added that we had a social responsiblity to produce factually accurate pruning images.I think he is now going to start staging his gardening photos in case they end up on the blog. melx

  9. I do hope you guys give yourselves a pat on the back occasionally because you're doing a great job!

  10. Go the No More Gaps!!! Can't wait to see the new fence!

  11. It looks amazing!!! Such a big job too! X

  12. I just started following so I can check out your progress! (Going to have a look back too!)
    Happy week! X

  13. It looks so much better even with one coat. Will be great when it's finished.


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