
Sunday 22 April 2012

Vote for my avatar

I need your help. I'd like to put a real profile picture of me on this blog. It's probably about time I stopped hiding behind the sketch and emerge like most bloggers do. Also, most first time visitors who read the blog think I'm a guy. Ha! Seriously.

So, you the readers can decide on whether I use a real photo or retain my existing profile picture. I've already started using the real one on Twitter as an experiment but I wasn't sure about using it on the blog.

Your mission is to vote which one I use from now on.

1. New Brismod avatar...trying hard to look like the old avatar. I'm not quite as serious as I appear in this photo...much more charming in real life, if I do say so myself. And I generally wear my specs when I cruise around the burbs...


2. Old Brismod avatar - I'm very attached to this. I guess people can't relate much to a sketch when they read this blog though...You can read the story about this avatar here.

 Let the people speak. Vote away!


  1. Brismod I love the story behind the sketch - such a beautiful photo of your Mum - so I vote for the avatar - though the photo is lovely too :) Fx

  2. I like both and I love the story of the sketch. Whichever avatar you use, it was nice to see you.
    Kylie xx

  3. So lovely to meet you Brismod and don't you look exotic!
    I'm hanging out and thinking I'll never reveal myself because I loathe having my picture taken.

    I just learnt the story behind your avatar and think it would be nice to retain it. Beautiful photo by the way.
    How about you leave the real you on twitter and the sketch on the blog, or vice-versa? Best of both worlds then.

  4. That is a tough one. I love your photo as you're very pretty and exotic, but everyone seems to like your avatar as well.

    Could you keep your avatar as a stand-alone image on the side maybe? Or work it into your header so you don't lose it completely?

    I can see your point about having a photo which people can connect with ... people may now recognise you in the street. (That would be my worst nightmare!)

    Sorry, I seem to be sitting on the new fence. Go the photo.

    Go the photo.

  5. Gee, you and your mum are beautiful! I don't know which I like better, I can't decide...its nice to see you though :) Tam x

  6. I agree with Makeminemidcentury - incorporate the avatar into the header and have your photo on the side. Win/Win. Love the photo of you and love the photo of your mum. Lovely.
    PS Is it time for an updated photo of the sows ear?

  7. Aren't you beautiful, Anita!!! I love the photo and vote for it. I do like your sketch avatar too, but the photographic you is more personal.

  8. Although I love the sketch and the story, I think it is so nice to see the face behind the words on a blog, so I vote for the photo! Xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  9. Oh Anita! This is such an intriguing post. Your mother is so beautiful in that photo and your sketch is brilliant. But I'm firmly in the 'go the photo' camp as well. You are so beautiful in your own right! I am so pleased to 'see' you properly now. J x

  10. I love the drawing, I don't necessarily respond to portraits, I go for the different!

  11. The old line drawing avatar tends to disappear when it's thumbnail sized, and I have to actually read the words to see who's commenting, so I don't think it's strong enough. You've got a nice face so I say use the other. There's nothing to stop you taking another picture is there, Bris? Maybe next time you can get a little further away from the camera so that it doesn't look as though a fly has settled on your nose, and maybe adjust the colour so it doesn't look as though you are watching your house burn down from close quarters? Hope that helps! X

  12. GosI that Tom better be one of your good friends! He is rather frank isn't he? I have always really liked your avatar and the sense of mystery it creates around you and your blog. However a photo is nice too. Gosh I am hopelessly unhelpful aren't I. Given that I am such a slacker that I only have a blogger symbol how about I just butt out and get my own sorted out. Good luck. melx

  13. I say give the photo a whirl. Lovely.

  14. I have no idea why people would think you're a man???

  15. REAL PHOTO! You look lovely in it and I love seeing photos of the people who's space I'm ogling. Makes it seem more "friend-like" and less "stalker-ish"!

  16. Gorgeous! Love seeing the real you. The island look for this blog is so perfect - You live in tropical Queensland and have a wee obsession for cooking with pineapple. Either way, thank you for sharing.

  17. Gorgeous! Love seeing the real you. The island look for this blog is so perfect - You live in tropical Queensland and have a wee obsession for cooking with pineapple. Either way, thank you for sharing.

  18. Tricky one. Your sketch avatar is pretty distinctive and different so I would be inclined to keep it. You could add a photo as an image just above your profile blurb in your side bar.?
    (I've actually done this in the opposite way - photo in profile and Welsh lady as an image. I shied away from a photo for ages, but I think it's it's quite a nice way to connect with the writer)

  19. I hope my vote made you laugh, as my intention....

  20. It did Tom. You're still on the Christmas greetings list... But only just. xx

  21. Phew. You're beautiful, by the way. Jason's a lucky bloke - hard working, but lucky.

  22. OMG - I have just looked at that picture of your Mum again - no wonder you look so good. I'm in love with you both.

  23. Ha! You're hilarious. But you've assured a definite place on the greeting card list. Well done and congratulations.x

  24. You look so much like your mother. Both of you lovely. As for the which and whether debate, I'd probs go with makeminemidcentury and have both!x

  25. I just have to say Tom gets the prize for best comment...too funny!! i think your pic has definitely given him a flush or too!! As you know I was unsure but the more I see it the more I think it has to be the new you! Although I do like MMMC's idea to keep the old avatar as part of the blog. xx

  26. The photo is lovely but I like the sketch too. Just go with whichever one you are the most comfortable with :)

  27. Real photo please you look lovely.

  28. It's a toughie. I LOVE the sketch as it's different and sometimes we bloggers like to be a bit elusive. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with the photo either, inspite of what Tom thinks. (too funny) so I'm sitting on the fence (that would be the brand new fence!)

    Jennifer xx

  29. You know, you're really sort-of gorgeous. I go for the picture.

  30. I say go for the photo! Come on...I know you want to!

    Best wishes,

  31. Aloha fellow island princess and pineapple lover! I would like to vote for the photo but suggest you ask a fellow photographic friend to take a photo of you with better lighting. You look beautiful in this photo but you will look super dooper if our mutual friend could take a snazzy snap!

  32. So true Pineapple Queen! Why didn't I think of that?! I'll hit him up when I talk to him. Xx

  33. The sketch is cool, and different BUT I like seeing a face. It makes the 'blog world' feel a little bit more real world. And since we've been called on to speak about this, I have to say, you look so exotic! Very pretty!

  34. Wow - it's so lovely to see your face after all this time. I knew you'd be pretty :)

    Your sketch is way cool but I vote photo.

    Pele xx

  35. Oooh the real photo is GORGEOUS - but then I LOVE the sketch too! Several people have mentioned that you should incorporate the sketch into your header, and then use the real photo for your profile - i think that that is the best solution - BOTH images are too lovely to hide in my opinion!

  36. How nice to see you! You gorgeous thing you! Maybe use the photo but keep the sketch on your blog too :)

  37. So nice to see your pretty face. Either way is fine with me. If you want to retain the avatar, why not just include pics of yourself from time to time (instead of only Jason). I'm always curious about the face behind the words and for that reason, if I had to choose, it would be photo. What a fab photo of your mum!!!

    Rachael x

  38. Hello Brismod.
    I love your Avatar, and associate it with you. Love your real face though - beautiful! I think putting it on your blog next to the "About" section would be great, not to mention photos of you about the wonderous F&VJ's abode. Sipping tea in a butterfly chair. I can see it now! x

  39. You're gorgeous! So good to put a face to the blog. Photo definitely. But i reckon keep the drawing on the blog too somehow.x


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