
Sunday 27 May 2012

Indesign Brisbane style

I had my design hit for 2012 with Brisbane Indesign yesterday. It's an event held every few years to showcase and celebrate good design whether it be products, interiors, architecture or creative arts.

This is the third time I've been to Brisbane Indesign and I use the event as research for our renovation. Although Internet research is quick and convenient, nothing can beat seeing products in real life, particularly if you want to purchase the big ticket items.

The event is also free, with shuttle buses taking you from one location to the next. I left Jason at home with the kids and tagged along with some of my design junkie friends - a design tour group of 10!

Our first stop was the Ilve showroom in Coorparoo for breakfast. This is one of the places to go if you want to get serious about your kitchen appliances. From ovens to dishwashers to inbuilt coffee machines. I could wax lyrical about this place because we are very happy Ilve oven owners...
My friend Susan enjoying the lovely breakfast in the ilve showroom.

From there we took the shuttle bus into the Valley to hit the other places on our itinerary. We spent the rest of the day visiting displays at Living Edge, Coco Republic, Innerspace, Argent, Milano Furniture and Space Furniture...amongst other designer type places.  It was a lot of fun, especially as most of the stores had hospitality catered for Brisbane Indesign visitors. It was bubbles and hors d'oeuvres central in the Valley yesterday!

I hadn't seen a real Eames Hang-it-all up close.
The round timber balls have a smooth matte finish. This is at Living Edge

There was a vending machine at Living Edge which dispensed propaganda badges for the Authentic Design Alliance which champions original design. I got a badge which said "Keep it Real".

The line of the day goes to our friend Kelvie who on dispensing her badge said, "Great! I'll display it on my fake Noguchi coffee table. Mahahahaha!" She has no shame.

A lighting installation at Living Edge

Re-issued Featherston Contour chairs found at innerspace
Our friend Chris who has a number of originals said that these are more compact than his.
He also said the footstool is not as nice as the original.
The retro range of SMEG appliances found in the Coco Republic space. This is the dishwasher.
Completely adorable in real life. I would be so tempted to buy something like this if we were ever to do another kitchen.

Mr and Mrs Kelly. I was so happy to see these letterboxes at Eco. I'm still sold on Mrs Kelly, I'm waiting until we have the spare cash to splurge on this whimsy....
We had the most fabulous day sightseeing the very best of what Brisbane has to offer in terms of design. Apparently there will be an Indesign Saturday in Melbourne sometime in August. If you are looking for some design inspiration or even just some information for your interior design, it's a fun way to do it in one big hit.


  1. Groovy.

    Have you seen that blog called "F*** Your Noguchi Coffee Table" ... it's quite amusing in terms of design trends etc.

  2. Yes. I told Kelvie to f&#k her Noguchi coffee table! xx

  3. Nice. Looks like fun. I love those smegg appliances, I didn't know they did dishwashers. We just replaced ours too.

  4. Hi Brismod, I soooooo wanted to go to InDesign this weekend but couldn't (in-law catch up at the Coast instead). So thank you for posting the best bits. I've just bought an Ilve for The Real Block, so I'm glad to hear that you're happy with yours. Because let's face it, those Ilves cost almost (but not quite) as much the maintenance on a Peugeot. x A

  5. Wow! Next year, I'm there! I have a repro Eames hang it all and I LOVE it, even though it is so covered with hats I cannot enjoy the smooth matt balls. For shame!

  6. So much to love here. I have coveted an Eames hang-it-all for a long time. And I love those retro style Smeg fridges - didn't know they also did dishwashers. Sounds like you had a fantastic day. Fxx

  7. Oh such nice stuff! I think my mum purchased her Ilve at a similar expo (or the same) in Brisbane a few years ago, and she loves it. I have to agree that it's nice to cook things on when I visit. LOVE the Eames hang it all…!!

  8. cool stuff darl, sounds like a great day out! xx

  9. That looks like such a fun outing, especially when there's bubbles included. I just can't go past that pink dishwasher, though if I was lucky enough to have one I'd go for the blue. In my dreams me thinks :)

  10. I love the Indesign days - we have one in Melbourne each year - I always finish up with sore legs but totally inspired!



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