
Monday 14 May 2012

Three years at the Sow's Ear

Three years ago this week we became the owners of the Sow's Ear. What a busy three years we've had in the old house.

I was not at all keen on the Sow's Ear when we first saw it. In fact, I was dead-set against it - it needed too much work (given we have three growing boys and Jason works long hours in his job). Who wants to be a slave to their house?

Jason on the other hand was very much in love with it and said that we should grab the opportunity to buy it. He also said while caressing the VJ (vertical join) walls: "Don't worry. I can do most of the work myself. It just needs paint."

Three years on, Jason is still painting - the shine of romance with the Sow's Ear has somewhat waned but he's still committed.

For me, the best thing I did was to start this blog a few months after we moved in. Writing about the changes we've made and the weekly goings-on in the Sow's Ear has definitely made me like our home more.

See what I did just then? It's no longer a house, it's our home.

The Sow's Ear during our second inspection
The Sow's Ear today


  1. Nice one, we are just about to hit 3 years in our home too. You could tell we had no idea what we were in for, we thought it would only take year to renovate! Ha, fools.

  2. You've only been there three years? You've done amazing work.

  3. Congratulations! I'm actually impressed you've managed to achieve so much in three years. We've been in our place the best part of seven now and there's still much to do. Well done!

  4. Congrats on all the amazing changes you have achieved. May must be the time to buy here in Briz- we bought Betsy 2 years ago last week. We have notably achieved MUCH less in the white paint stakes but we are getting very close to the 2 year deadline I gave to have a new kitchen - this is up in August ( we do have plans so that is progress). The silk purse is looking superb, glad you are loving the old girl more now. melx

  5. What an amazing difference you've made. You should both be incredibly proud...home indeed :)

  6. I LOVE IT!!!!!

    Looks fabulous

  7. That's right, we bought around the same time. You guys are much much further ahead than us though, you have done such a brilliant job. Lyn occasionally says to me, "what were we thinking?" as there is sooo much to do. Oh well, that's just the way it is!
    Great work you guys x

  8. Wow, what a difference all the hard work you guys have put into your home has made. Loved seeing the before and after shots like that. So glad you did decide to buy your place after all and that you decided to start a blog :)

  9. I'm glad you included the fence in the 'after' shot. It was a big piece of punctuation on your journey. She is no longer a sow's ear is she? Congratulations!

  10. Wow three years.... and how many litres of paint? A big congrats to you all. xxx

  11. Helo:
    There are times when, we believe, we all become totally overwhelmed with all that has to be done with a regard to maintaining a house. And always more time and money are required.

    But you have such a very interesting property and, judging from these pictures, the 'battle' is well and truly on the way to being won.

  12. Wow - only 3 years and to have done so much! You will all need a good rest after it all. Congrats on being so focused.

  13. It looks so beautiful! I'd be happy living there! The white with dark brown trim is so sharp and modern. What a gorgeous girl she is.

    Congrats Brismods!

  14. And what a beautiful home it is too darl! Wow, only 3 years?! You guys have done so much. bloody legends!! xxx

  15. Congratulations! Looking fabulous after all of the hard work Jason! xx :)

  16. I love the new paint job; very stylish. I am dying to get into that garden though..what I would do!

  17. I cant believe how much better the house looks all white!! Lovely blog!!


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