
Thursday 26 July 2012

VJ sheeting

Well, all the work to clad the walls underneath the Sow's Ear is done. Jason spent most of last week getting the VJ (vertical join) sheeting up. It's the cheats option to get that VJ look without the big hit in the back pocket.

We're really happy with the results for underneath the house. Previously it was clad with asbestos fibro on the outside and the inside walls were just exposed framing. This is quite typical of Queenslander homes which were re-stumped and enclosed underneath.

Jason was keen to get the walls lined to keep it cleaner and neater for his man cave ambitions. The VJ sheets have the added benefit of being more durable than plaster board and comes already pre-primed.

Now that the walls are up, you know what that means? More painting. Ha!

If we ever move from this place, I bet you we buy a brick house which you don't need to paint.

Jason had lots of VJ off-cuts which he used to make this back wall  - as an added bonus. You can just see the irregular joins but once it gets two coats of paint no one will ever know...


  1. Thanks for your message yesterday - it's good to be home. Looks like you guys are still hard at it. Amazing x

  2. Has the Annie's Chalk Paint hype reached Brisbane yet? Once it does, I guess Jason will have to start again and repaint everything...

  3. Will the painting never end? haha he must be a complete master of it by now. I didn't realize he was working towards a man all makes sense now!

  4. The man's a marvel - can you clone him?

  5. Gosh he's a goer. Looking great!

    TDM xxx

  6. All very impressive and inspiring! If Jason ever decides to conduct some "how to be a handyman for husbands" training school courses, I'll definitely be enrolling N in them! Mxxx

  7. You forgot to mention THE best feature of the VJ sheeting. You don't use nearly as much No More Gaps and that means not so many callouses on the pointer!

    Lookin' good!

    Jennifer xx


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