
Sunday 19 August 2012

External Queenslander stairs

We have brand new stairs! Hooray!

The lads worked all day to get the stairs finished by late this afternoon. To say we are overjoyed would be a gross understatement. It's a beauty!

I give you a pictorial of today's activity:

all the balustrades are on

bud pattern feature panel which is consistent with the rest of the Sow's Ear. The diagonals are in place for a decorative valance that Jason wanted. He wanted to see how it was done so he could replicate it on our back deck.

Stairs at twilight. Sorry for the terrible shot...You can just make out the curve of the valance in this image

solid substantial stairs to access our laundry
The next stage of this project is for a roof to be constructed over the entire stairs. That won't be a for a little while yet...but in the meantime we have a great set of stairs which we can paint!

It never ends this painting a Queenslander caper.


  1. Hello:
    We really do think that the stairs look splendid. Is a roof necessary? - we rather like them as they are. Whatever, a job well done!

  2. A good solid job, not like our front staircase, similar in looks, but the balustrade has a wobble!

  3. wow, they've done a brilliant job - well done boys! bet you're stoked darl!!


  4. Fabulous stairs. Much easier than hoisting yourself up to the second floor with all the groceries and a kid under each arm ;-) LOVE YOUR ORANGE DOOR! Please say that's staying!!!

  5. They look amazing!! A stair triumph. Jason must be itching to get them

  6. Absolutely wonderful!!! They look terrific

  7. They look great! It's fantastic when another job is completed isn't it?

  8. Love the bud feature panel. It's these details that make a new addition look like it belongs. Well done!

  9. Hello! I love your blog and admire the work you did with this house.

    Just curious - I see you chose the bud feature panel because it was consistent with the rest of the house, but do you know if there are any 'rules' around which ones to choose for an old house to keep in with character?

    Obviously we will avoid any modern looking things like the palm trees, but any other resources/recommendations?


  10. So sorry I've only just stumbled on your comment... I consulted a few publications from the Brisbane City Council re keeping the house in character to the era. If you go to my Q &A page link here you'll see a list of the places and publications to consult. xx


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