
Sunday 12 August 2012

Getting ready for warmer weather

It's still quite cold in Brisbane but the days have been so glorious and sunny. We've been taking advantage of the dry weather and cleaning some of the winter cobwebs away.

We took the high pressure cleaner from the back shed and cleaned our outdoor furniture which was looking quite grubby. I also gave our old outdoor table a clean and oiled it. It's not a fantastic job but it's a bit tidier than before.

Casala chairs drying in the sun after a clean
It's  a lot cleaner than before and is another place to sit for the boys when they have their friends over.  Notice, I also cleaned the concrete...
Jason finished painting the back of the cubby house and then proceeded to prep the floorboards before applying decking oil. Our belt sander is still missing in action, so he hand-sanded the verandah as best as he could.

The boards just sucked in that decking oil. Jason's applied three coats so far.

Oiling the decking boards on the cubby house
Earlier in the week, I went with one of my friends to a fair trade wholesaler of hand crafted gifts on Brisbane's southside. It was completely awesome. I picked up a 'children of the world' bunting which was handmade in West Bengal, India for the boys' cubby house. I loved it so much, I bought a second one for Son #3's Kindergarten as it is quite multicultural.

(If you want to know the details of the wholesaler just email me, you will need an ABN to purchase from them though)

Colourful bunting for the children's cubby house

And in very exciting news, work on our side stairs will hopefully commence sometime this week. We can't wait!


  1. I love that bunting!
    I wish I had an ABN so I could purchase one too!

    And how great has this weather been?
    Although I have been using it as an excuse to avoid jobs around the house and to head to the park instead!

  2. Cute bunting,looks like a good spot for entertaining esp. in summer.Congratulations on year 3.

  3. It is still cold, and you're right the days are gorgeous but it's hard to believe it'll be Spring soon.

    Though if you're cleaning-down the Casalas you must be right!

  4. Oh, SO envious. Spring soon.. And in England it's nearly the end of 'summer'.. if you could call it that.

  5. Sounds like you two have got your mojo back. Isn't it the best when things are neat and tidy? The bunting is adorable.

    Sar x

  6. I love it all- especially the Casala chairs! We stained our decks on the weekend, too- the weather was perfect for it, and also they just soaked up the stain, wood it so forgiving.

  7. It's all looking rather spiffy! You've got a great outside eating area now.

  8. I have to laugh a little when you say it is cold up there. Apart from today which is superb, it has been freezing down here in Tassie :)
    Your cubby is fantastic and i love the area you have created under your house - how useful!

  9. That cubby house is so gorgeous and your new stairs are looking great too! Would desperately love some new stairs for the back of our place but I think that's waaay down the list at the moment! xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)


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