
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Ipswich day trip and Queenslanders

I have to say that one of my most favourite places to visit for a day trip is Ipswich. Now that the road work from Brisbane to Ipswich is mostly finished it's a fairly smooth run to the 'Swich.

The thing I love most about Ipswich, apart from visiting my fairy op-shop mother midcentury Jo, is the historical Queenslander homes. They are stunning examples of Queensland's early colonial and early 20th century architecture - many homes are being restored and others are waiting to be brought back from the brink.

There are pockets around the Denmark Hill Conservation Park which literally make you swoon...if you love Queenslanders. And so affordable compared to Brisbane.

Here are some photos of a couple of spectacular homes, which caught my eye.

This home was just spectacular. It is perched high on the street with views looking over the heart of Ipswich
Foxes guarding the entrance to  another old home. Amazing that they are still intact!

Beautiful stone Queenslander

This is the back of the home in the image above.  It may be where the kitchen was originally located with its two rainwater tanks. 
This is a former Baptist church which has been restored. This Art Deco building will reincarnate into something different when it is reopened soon.
On our last Ipswich visit, we visited a little cafe in Brisbane Street called Fourthchild which is simplicity done at its best with meals prepared with quality organic and free range produce. We only ordered morning tea and it was exceptionally good fare.

Lemon cheesecake and banana cake thing. So good.
Image stolen from Katherine at theoldboathouse
And a trip to Ipswich is never complete without saying hello to beautiful Kerrie at her shop ES Traders. She has the most exquisite treasures and many one-off pieces which she sources from overseas. I covet her Venetian mirrors. Kerrie's good taste and impeccable style is transcendent.

Stunning mirrors - my instagram photo does them no justice

And another good thing about Ipswich is its op-shops. I'll show you some of my purchases soon...


  1. Yep I think I have a few blog posts dedicated to Ipswich. And a stash of photos of houses for an unwritten post as well. Have you seen the amazing renovators delight up near the watertower, now that's my kind of house. Must dig out the pics from my last visit. And that vintage store on the main street - I could easily move in there for a few weeks to have a good ferret. The cafe sounds great, will try next time. melx

  2. I think I know the one you're talking about...wouldn't that be a beauty? restored? You should do a photos do no justice to the homes. Vintage Advantage is a fun place to browse and buy. xx

  3. Hello:
    You show here some most attractive architecture which is, very naturally, very different from that which we normally see. We are always drawn to the colonial style, particularly if a large verandah is included.

    The former chapel looks as if it will be simply wonderful.

  4. Thanks Jane and Lance. I think likewise when you post about your travels and the beautiful architecture you see. xx

  5. Ah. The Ippy Oppy! I always swing by after visiting my sister in her old Queenslander near the park there. Last time I ended up with a desk. Do you visit the cluster near the centre or the big ones further out?

  6. Love the deco church and that blue tower thingy behind it. What's it for?
    Love Annie's 'Ippy Oppy' too btw. Cute.
    Now I'm clicking on Misnomer (you might also like) to read what you've written about those TH Browns

  7. Your pictures are really interesting. Fantastic houses.

    It sounds like the renovation thing has got about as big in Aussie as in England (although the recession here has now held it back a bit, as resale values have dropped so much).

    I have a Silly Pom question, from your last couple of posts, what is an Op Shop?

    P.S. I can see your knees...

    1. Thanks Annie and Kylie and Rusty Duck.
      And an op shop is an opportunity shop ie charity shop or thrift store @rusty duck. xx

  8. well great post. These are some of the creme de'la creme of the 'Swich. Not to say there aren't many other beautiful houses.Ipswich has a rich history.
    I now live in Brissie but love going to visit my mum & visit our fav. op shops.
    However, not too much advertising.....
    BTW , I thoroughly enjoy your blog & your love of mid- century style. I have flashbacks to pieces from my childhood. I didn't know my mum was so groovy.
    Also, are you sure you weren't in my kitchen for the timber pieces.... I could've gone snap!

  9. Check out Woodend and Sadliers Crossing next time you're in town.

    ES Traders was closed when I went to lunch the other day. Devo.

    TDM xx

  10. On your blog's recommendation I drove out to Ipswitch for a few hours of op-shopping this week. Being new to Brisbane I had no idea what to expect (other fhan Pauline Hanson). What an interesting looking town! Next time (soon!) I'll make a day of photographing the local built environment. Vintage Advantage was great and I got lots of good children's books very cheaply at one of the op shops in the main street. Thanks for the tip!

  11. I'm so glad you did KL. It's a great little day trip. Thanks for letting me know! xx

  12. Wonderfully crisp and always interesting! So happy to be catching up with all of your exploits!


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