
Friday 16 November 2012

Win movie tickets to "LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED”

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you would know that Jason and I have been tripping the light fantastic here, there and everywhere -  there have been lots of hot dates and events leading up to Christmas.

We are going on another date soon to watch the preview of a new movie called ‘LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED’ thanks to the good folks at Madman Entertainment.

It stars former 007 Pierce Brosnan and Trine Dyrholm (A Royal Affair) and is set in beautiful Italy. Check out the information about the film here

(Warning: I suspect it is NOT the action-packed, full of battle scenes movie as I’ve described to Jason…just saying...but it looks like I will love it given it is a Danish film)


Madman Entertainment has given me another four double passes to the ‘LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED’ preview to give away to lucky Fun and VJs readers in Brisbane. The preview is on Wednesday 5 December at Palace Barracks at 6:30pm.

All you have to do to win is leave a comment on this blog post, telling me who you think you’d take as your date on the night. Obviously, you will need to be Brisbane-based to get any benefit out of this prize!

As per usual, Jason will pick the four winners. Entries close on Wednesday 21 November with the winners being notified the next day. If you comment anonymously, just make sure to leave an email address with your comment so I can contact you. Easy-peasy.

And if you aren’t free on the preview night, you can always catch the film when it is released on 13 December.

Good luck!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered. The winners of the preview tickets as selected by Jason are:
Bronze Toes (I don't have an email address for you...please email me so I can arrange delivery of your prize)
Faux Fuchsia

I'll email you the details of the prize. Thanks again!


  1. Don't know if he'd come bit I'd love to take my hubby on a long overdue date night....if not I'm sure I'd be able to find a willing & able girlfriend ;)

  2. I'd take you! We could wear sequins. Or not. x

  3. I would take my mum for a nice girls night out. There is no way my partner would come and see this without whinging through the movie.

  4. My other half is off adventure seeking for a few weeks so I would take my lovely Sydney sister for a date night and leave all our eight kids with....Santa? I might have to work on that bit!

  5. I won't enter your giveaway as it's just a little far to go to the movies...but I'm on the watch for some 'fizzingly good chemistry'..oh..and I do like Pierce Brosnan!

  6. Hard to believe that Pierce Brosnan is almost 60...but it's also hard to believe that I'm OVER 60. It happens to the best of us. :)

  7. I would take (or drag) my partner of 20 years, along to see this film. Underneath his tough exterior, is a romantic, at heart and we haven't been on a movie date night out, in ages.

  8. Where has my comment gone....I said I would take Nan, she loves a good night out at the Barracks.x What a fun giveaway!!

  9. I'd take a close female friend who has been having a tough time recently. I think a bit of Pierce would bring a smile to her face (providing of course that he doesnt sing!)

  10. I'd take my mummy because she deserbes spoiling and makes me laugh when she watches Pierce Brosnan!

  11. I would take my mum because she deserves a night out with all the crap she has to put up with at work :)

  12. Thank you! Looking forward to it.


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