
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Turf update

It's been 11 days since we laid the new turf (read here). Since then we have been watering the lawn twice a day to ensure that it survives Brisbane's sub-tropical summer.

Sir Walter turf
Thankfully we have a rainwater tank which makes watering the grass a relatively guilt-free pastime.

And yes, so far, so good. The new lawn seems to have taken root and is nice and lush, but we are keeping up the watering routine until the mini heatwave Brisbane is experiencing passes...We just want to make sure the lawn doesn't burn off because yesterday the mercury hit a very uncomfortable 39 degrees Celsius.


Anyway, we are so relieved to have managed to keep the lawn alive, especially as we don't have green thumbs! Yay!


  1. Very tricky, keeping things green during heatwaves. It took us years but we have managed to re-landscape with decomposed granite, patio, pavers, and rocks. Oh yes, and of course weeds.

  2. It's looking turf-tastic. xx

  3. You're doing well! Our 'lawn' is drying out rapidly..but son no 2 is making sure those potato plants survive for a Christmas crop!

  4. You seem to be doing a great job, because it's nice and green and growing nicely. We had quite a few days hovering around 43 degrees Celsius over this past summer, and it took a lot of effort to keep my grass alive.

  5. Good effort ,it looks so lush. mel x

  6. Your lawn looks very healthy. Don't let Jason mow it too soon even if he's itching!
    Did you enjoy the movie?

  7. Hi Annie, yes we both did. Much better than the standard romcom, especially from Jason's point of view. I kept my eyes peeled for you but didn't see you. Were you able to make it? xx

  8. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder: how about if, for consistency, you were to water it with pineapple juice?

  9. You have a gorgeous house - it's right up my alley! I hope you are coping with the hot weather. Your grass should do well in the warm weather as long as you can keep the water up to it! I am your newest follower! Thanks for the well wishes on our new house - we are so excited!

  10. looks like seriously tough grass! 39 degrees, I thought it was bad up here....


  11. It looks great, hope it's continuing to stay that way with this crazy summer it's going to be interesting.

  12. Looks lovely and healthy - you'll have to give us an updated photo after Chrissy x


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