
Sunday 27 January 2013

Big mop up

So much for our Australia Day long weekend clean-up. As I type this Brisbane is being inundated by the left-overs of a tropical cyclone - it has rained non-stop for nearly three days and today we are being hit with some strong winds. It's not pretty.

Fortunately, so far so good for us. We are high and reasonably dry. But others aren't so lucky. We have our fingers crossed that the damage will be minimal and the mop up is quick.

Cadiz shell lights will hopefully find a new home...
Yesterday we made a start on our under the house declutter despite the wet weather. We had a hard rubbish pile, a donate pile and a sell pile. The rubbish pile has been put out on the kerb, with the best of our detritus being picked over by urban treasure hunters. Bless them and their enthusiasm to get out there in this squally weather!

The donate pile is mostly toys and old kitchen stuff which can be reused and loved again. I plan to do an op-shop run later this week - to donate. No buying allowed.

Our sell pile is quite large. I've listed the majority of it on Gumtree and we've sold a couple of things already - an old mirror and a bookcase. Jason is eager for the rest to sell quickly, as it's not a real declutter until it is all gone! I'm giving it a week or so, and then I'll call a salvage or demo yard to collect it all.

windows and cupboard doors for sale

We have so many cupboard doors that were left behind by the previous owners
All in all our weekend has been quite productive and there is another day left of the long weekend. I suspect it will involve a big mop up after all this wet weather. Fingers crossed we will see some sun tomorrow.
Wet, wet, wet from our back deck
Overflowing rainwater tank which was bone dry just a few days ago.  And the grass and plants are green again... it has been unusually dry this January.


  1. I'm impressed that you were so determined to declutter that you braved the bad weather. I hope you make a wad of cash on your sale pile. I've given away tons of things in the past few weeks and plan to have a sale soon and see how much of my excess furniture I can move quickly. My contractor said I could expect to move in by the middle of February!!!

  2. I know we needed the rain, but this is ridiculous. xx

  3. We have this sublime to the ridiculous thing here every January don't we?
    It hardly seems worth sending them to school on Tuesday if its like this.
    Crazy January weather!

  4. It's gone from one extreme to another here too! Amazing weather. You'll feel so good getting all of those piles out of the house.

  5. Oh so glad to hear you're dry. My sister has been moving stuff and helping neighbours move gear today, along with moving things at the school. It's likely to go under again.

  6. Glad your weekend was productive.

  7. Your weather has even made the English news.. not good. Glad you're on high ground and hope that Queensland gets some respite soon. Jx

  8. It's been dry here too, but we've just been hit by huge rains. Nothing compared to yours up there though. Stay dry and safe. x

  9. i'm glad you guys are ok. just cant believe the rotten luck some people have had! cross fingers for normal weather from now on xx


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