
Sunday 10 February 2013

Mini bathroom makeover update

I had planned to blog about the mini bathroom makeover tonight and realised that the only photograph I had was a purely exploitative one of shirtless Jason painting the bathroom...

Oh well...Ha!

Actually, if you disregard the svelte pasty white man-flesh, you can see how dodgy our toilet cistern and bathroom fittings are...they need to be tossed out. The cistern is made of brittle plastic which has deteriorated very badly. We've been trying to ignore it for the past few years but with the new white walls it sticks out like the proverbial!

Someone suggested we paint the cream tiles white too, which is a really great idea. We may end up doing that, just to freshen it up even more. It's all about low cost projects at the moment at the Sow's Ear.

The white walls, architraves and ceiling have made a world of difference. I'll take some shots tomorrow to show you.


  1. Is it weird to be excited about a new toilet? The one I've picked out has the skirted trap, so there are no curves on the sides to have to keep clean.

    Have you seen the luxury toilets that have built-in radios and bidets and remote controls and sensors that raise the lid when you walk up? The Kohler Numi is over $4000!!! That's not exactly a budget fix, but it's cool to look at.

  2. The joys of old bathrooms!

    I've heard good things about tile paint-we are looking into it for our purple checkerboard kitchen tiles, while we put off the big gut (I'm writing about it tonight...)

    Love a lick of paint!!

  3. We (or rather my own white pasty man fleshed husband! Ha) painted my moms tile....
    We love the result here:
    Good luck!

  4. We built/remodeled 3 bathrooms last year. One toilet was the bomb and the other two suggested by the architect to fit the small space were a bust. How annoying. I hate remodeling mistakes. I was so annoyed I wrote about it. Be careful with your toilet choices!


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