
Monday 15 April 2013

Architraves in the bathroom

Jason can't leave well enough alone. And just when we thought the bathroom was done...

On the weekend our new and improved bathroom received some extra architectural bling in the form of decorative window and door architraves (they match the rest of the Sow's Ear). The other bathroom windows had been done a few weeks ago, but we left the main window and the door alone...We weren't too sure how to attach the new mouldings without damaging the tiles.

As it turns out it was much simpler than we thought...just attach them over the existing plain architraves. Perhaps it's a bit unorthodox but it seems to work. After a bit of filler and paint, you would think those architraves were always there.

It must've been bothering Jason to have mis-matched architraves in the bathroom, as he was quick off the mark to buy the timber on Saturday. While he was out he also picked himself up a pair of new King Gees. OMG! He has it in his head that he has to look the 'tradie' part when he does a job around the house. He's gone mad.

Anyway, here are the fruits of Jason's labour on Saturday morning.

new architraves, bullnose and scotia around the casement windows 

We have the splayed  profile as the door architraves

I hope you aren't tiring of all these bathroom posts...we never seem to ever be completely finished at the Sow's Ear!!


  1. Your windows are beautiful. The bathroom is turning into a wonderful space.

  2. I agree!! I love your attention to detail, it's great to see the respect you have for the original character of your house!

    1. We love the old architraves in the house so it seems right to keep up the theme. xx

  3. Well done... very impressive !!!

    1. It's only a drop in the ocean compared to how much you guys have done. xx

  4. Beautiful. Gotta give it to him, he does it well.x

    1. Yes, he's a good man...especially in his King Gees. lol ! xx

  5. That's looking great Anita. No, I am not tiring of the posts, I'm just jealous that we aren't achieving as much as you guys!

    1. Thanks Sarah! It seems like the bathroom is never ending.... xx

  6. Looking good.
    And I still can't get over how well that tile painting worked. The room is transformed.

  7. Ha! I reckon any excuse to justify his new work gear. Xx

  8. I love the little details! Looks great!

  9. They look great, little things make all the difference don't they? We haven't completely finished anything either so I know how you feel ;)

  10. Replies
    1. Ha! They're a brand of work clothes for trades people. He bought a pair of tan work shorts. Forgot that it is such an 'Australianism'! xx

  11. Oh bless him and his king gees! My husband MUST consume ice break each time he drives a ute! Boys!!
    Great work on the details, they are so easy to over look!

  12. He's done a great job on those doors and windows, what a difference each bit makes to the whole renovation!


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