
Monday 29 April 2013


I just thought I'd share some cool news with you. I was contacted by the State Library of Queensland who were seeking permission to archive Fun and VJs... Yeah!

It means that this blog, among many thousands, will be preserved for future generations. The State Library is committed to preserving the documentary heritage of the state which extends to contemporary electronic resources, including online publications and websites of lasting significance.

image from State Library of Queensland website

In other words, we rock. Actually no, we don't but it's still nice to be considered significant even in some small way.

Our ancestors will be able to research Jason's strange shirtlessness fetish in 2009 and 2010, how his French car of choice was a lemon and how he discovered hi-vis work wear in 2012.

And hopefully while they're reading the archives they will learn more about an interesting 1928 Queenslander house and its owner's renovating endeavours to make it a home. 


  1. That's fantastic Anita, really great. You guys do rock!!

  2. Very exciting news Anita and well deserved, your blog is the original and the best where queenslanders are concerned! mel x

    1. Aww thanks Mel...I don't think we are the original...but we're still here and persisting. Looking forward to your big renovation. I'll be living the dream vicariously through your blog. xx

  3. Awesome news! We look back now and want more information about our old homes, and in the future people will be able to do that with your house! Very well deserved!

    1. Isn't it just! Thanks so much for all your nice words. xx

  4. That's sooo great!! I'm so glad they're noticing the great work you're doing on that wonderful house of yours, and how you're inspiring others to take on a historic house with the right focus- preservation and staying true to the bones, but at the same time making it a home for a modern family! Way to go!!

    1. You say the loveliest things Tove. Thank you. xx

  5. Anita, that's wonderful news. I've learned so much about Queenslanders from your blog, and now people can do the same in the future. This is a much-deserved honor, and I'm very happy for you.

    1. I'm so glad you are learning a bit about the housing style that is almost iconic where we live. Thanks Dana for your nice words. xx

  6. Hi, I got the tip to look at your blog by Tom Stephenson - and I like it, so I'll follow! To archive a blog is a great honour, congratulation!

    1. Thanks Brigitta. I only just read Tom's post. He is so random. But glad you're on board. xx

  7. That is such fabulous news! Congratulations! You absolutely deserve to be in the Archives! So thrilled for the blog, for you, for Jason! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks MMMC. I'm thrilled you're thrilled! Nice seeing the other day too...we have to do it more often. xx

  8. Hi Anita, is that by the PANDORA project? Our patchwork and quilting group blog was selected a few years ago to be archived, and it has been archived every second year for 5 years. It truly was a great thrill for us to receive a letter from them, so can understand your excitement.

    1. That's fabulous. I bet you were thrilled when it happened because that's how we feel at the moment. It is cool to be part of Queesland's history, doesn't it? xx

  9. OMG you are so famous! That is wonderful news. What a legacy! So proud. "I know her"! xx

    1. Ha ha! Thanks A-M. Beats getting the comment,"Who is this B-grade blogger?". So funny. xx

  10. My daughter owned a beautiful large 'Queenslander' in Rocky, but she's now swapped it for a bog-standard, modern, ranch-style, built-in-a-week, crumble-in-a-decade, open plan, nice and shiny....... I know which I'd prefer!

    1. Sounds like you need to live in Queensland Cro. It's hard not to like these old homes. xx

  11. What an interesting thing to happen! I wonder what it will lead to down the track.

    1. I know, Carol. I don't think it will lead to anything really, but it's fun to know that the blog will be accessible even after we're gone. xx

  12. I wondered what a "Queenslander" was when I first found this blog.

    I knew it was related to Australia, my geography isn't that bad.

    The archiving of your content is very good to read of. Projects of this nature are always useful to look back on. Even when you're in England, it makes for an interesting renovation to read of.

  13. That's great news - your progress and projects preserved for the future to help others plan and complete their own Queenslander renovations. We read your site a lot while in the USA and to give us ideas on the challenges ahead with our own Queenslander renovation which we started when we moved back from the USA to Far North Queensland in January this year.

  14. Very cool! As a librarian I understand the importance of retaining our important history - increasingly online!

  15. That is such exciting news!! How fantastic that your blog will be archived and preserved for evermore. Congrats : )

  16. Very cool,wonder what they'll think about your little slice of Brissy in years to come. Well done.

  17. Wahoooo! Fantastic news and totally well deserved.


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