
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Solair Chair: Canadian design

I visited my mates Chris and Susan one evening and noticed two new groovy orange chairs on their back patio.

The patio doors were shut and it was dark, but from my perspective they looked like those string Acapulco chairs which are simply everywhere at the moment.

But no, I was mistaken.

Solair Chair in the Brisbane suburbs
They are chairs that I've never really noticed before -  the Solair 'Motel' Chair which is a Canadian design from the 1970s. They are of a plastic construction and as one of our friends put so bluntly: "It looks like the washing basket!"

Image from here.
The candy pink one looks fun
And it kind of does...but in a cool way.

You can find a whole lot of information about the chair from this site The Canadian Design Resource. The designers were Fabio Fabiano and Michelange Panzini and the chairs form part of the new wave of injection moulded plastic technology, which revolutionised chair manufacturing in the 60s and 70s.

Chris and Susan are revamping their pool area which currently has vibrant blue outdoor carpet. They're replacing it with darker blue carpet and the orange Solair chairs are part of their overall vision for that space.

It's going to look so good.

Blue outdoor carpet near the pool at Chris and Susan's last summer.
That's shirtless Jason there for your viewing pleasure
Apparently you can now buy the chairs in Australia from a stockist in Melbourne.  


  1. That's some seriously cool chairs! Yet another one to put on my looong list of favorites:-)

    1. That's what I thought when I saw them too tove! xx

  2. They're really cool, but how much cooler is that funky pool area? I like it!

    1. That pool area is like a resort Sarah! xx

  3. I think those chairs in orange on dark blue will be fantastic!

    1. It's a winning combination, isn't it Dana xx


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