
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Amateur food stylist

Ambitions of a career in food styling and photography are probably not high on my list...Although I did answer the call for assistance when the boys' school asked for some retro 'food of the decades' photographs to include in a commemorative recipe book.

I enlisted the help of my hard-core modernist mates (because they own all the cool stuff) to help me style a couple of the decades. It was such a fun afternoon pretending to be Donna Hay...she doesn't have to worry about her empire...or maybe she should...!!

Here are a few shots to symbolise the 40s, 50s and 60s, Queensland style.

This is a 1950s cocktails by the pool photo.
The drinks are just food colouring and we  had to use oregano because we didn't have mint. Shh! Don't tell anyone...

This is a 1960s fondue shot. We used real fondue made by the lovely Yvette, who had all the fondue accoutrements at the ready.

This is the recipe for the master fondue. It was delicious.
I'm going to raid my parent's house to get their fondue set!

1940s style mixing  cake batter.
We were mixing up Kentish cake, which is Nana comfort food
Photographing all that food has renewed my interest in cooking...Anyone hungry?


  1. Food colouring really makes the drinks fun to look at...loving the drink accessories too...even the oregano!

    1. Those drinks looked awesome by the pool. They're meant to look like a Blue Hawaiian, Cosmopolitan and Long Island iced! xx

  2. What fun pictures! I actually was the Queen of Fondue back in the day. I was just telling my daughter recently that we ought to buy a fondue pot and give it a try again.

    1. I can believe that you were the Queen of Fondue. It's such a fun way to eat and entertain. xx

  3. That's really cool! I love how much effort you went too

    1. Thanks! It was such a fun thing to do. xx

  4. Looks like a lot of fun and the results are excellent! What's hock though? I thought it was something to do with pork, not alcohol?

  5. The photos look amazing! I esp. love the fondue one. I have two fondue cookers (one new and one vintage). I've done fondue once. The cheese went all gluggy so it wasn't a complete success. I'm also afraid of things that involve a naked flame. However, I really need to revisit the concept.

  6. Your photos look professional! A lot of work for 3 pictures, huh?

  7. I love the fondue shot too. Looks straight out of a 1972 Family Circle. You have a talent! mel x

  8. Brilliant! Love to have those mixes for the weekend party. Thumbs up! Got my eye on your next posts.

  9. Great snaps! Have you ever been to Des Alpes at Mitchelton? They love a bit of fondue there. xx

  10. Great spread! My Mum had that stainless serving platter, wonder what happened to it.


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