
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Second thoughts about our sofa

A few weeks ago, I mentioned here that we were planning on re-upholstering our lounge room setting...

We chose a great fabric but after some reflection, we've changed our mind and would like to buy an entirely new (or old) suite. Re-upholstering is a costly exercise - a perfect solution if you want to keep something forever...and we thought our current sofa is not our 'forever' sofa.

It might be time to upgrade to something a little more substantial...if we can find the right setting Jason and I can agree on.

That's the tricky part.

Jason and I love the slimline range that is sold by Angelucci's in Melbourne and think it would look great in the Sow's Ear.

A modular three-seater sofa from The Modern Furniture store has also grabbed my eye.

And I also like the look of this sofa from Great Dane...until I saw the price! It's probably too much out of our price bracket although I love its shape.

Lots of food for thought as we contemplate our next sofa. Although it will be sad to see the old one go....


  1. I've been thinking of a new sofa too recently. Our two seater of your setting is our sofa, and it's starting to get wobbly which makes me nervous. I looked at the Freedom website the other night and was quite surprised at where Freedom is heading design-wise. There was a brown leather sofe which I really dug. A good sofa is an investment.

  2. I have the exact same lounge and chairs......even the upholstery is the same ;O)

  3. I love all three sofas, but the orange one would be so perfect, it matches your electricity box!! I also really love the shape of it, super cool. Lou x

  4. Go orange, ban Fronzie and his Buddies, send the current one to me........job done! x

  5. I fell in love with the orange one at first sight!

  6. Your old sofa is gorgeous!! I gather that's the one in the last picture? The orange one is my favorite among the new ones:-)

  7. oh def the orange one!...and I`ll arm wrestle pippa for your old one!! x

  8. We all love the orange it seems so Jason will have to bow to the masses. Perhaps you should host a giveaway for the old one. My husband bought me a red couch for my birthday last year that I did not want but he did. Disturbingly I have grown to like it even though it is new and not from an oppy. Go figure!

  9. Love love love the orange one!!!

  10. Yep you have to go that orange one, it is spectacular. mel x

  11. Do you find the low back sofas comfortable? I love the orange one and the gre expensive one of course, but always wonder if they are good for lounging on?


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