
Thursday 16 May 2013

We made the front cover!

That made you look!

I know it's not the cover of Inside Out or Vogue Living however one has to start somewhere..The cover of the kids' school recipe book seems like a respectable start. 

(It also helps that I am the only serial vignette snapper available and an enthusiastic one at that)

The kids saw the photo and asked at whose place was it taken. When I said it was taken at the Sow's Ear they seemed genuinely surprised. "Oh really? It doesn't look like our place."  

They thought the photo was at someone else's place because of the old rotary hand whisk, which I had borrowed from a friend. Funny how one thing can throw them...

Aren't those vintage whisks awesome? I want one now. I was almost going to steal it but my friend had already stolen it from her parents-in-law. You should really only steal things once...

So, anyone make the cover of something recently? 
rough mock-up of school recipe book cover could still end up on the cutting room floor so maybe this post was premature! 

p.s And thanks for all your sympathetic comments about my little run-in the other day. I feel better after reading your similar stories. xx 


  1. I nearly bought those mixers at a seconds dealer, they rotated like a dream......walked away.......big mistake!

    Any pineapple recipes in the book? x

    1. Oh, what a shame you walked away from it. They're really good at mixing. And you know what...I don't think there is a pineapple recipe...!!! Oh no. Stop the press! xx

  2. Cool! Cover looks great. Hope the mock up makes the final print. : )

  3. Id buy it!! adventures in the kitchen have involved tears many times so this looks like my kind of book!

    1. Thanks Allison. The recipes are not bad...collections of easy tried and tested family recipes are kind of cool. xx

  4. I made it to the centrefold of Gay Times once, but I was injured by the staples, so it was taken off the shelves.

    1. Bahahaha...thank goodness for that, Tom! You forgot your stint on The Tweed Pig...xx

  5. Hooray!! time capsules, book covers! You are so famous! A-M xx

    1. Yep, none of that B-grade blogger kind of stuff! LOL. xx

  6. Exciting! Yes those mixers are the business. I must pick one up when I'm at the the tip shop next :)

    1. And get one for me, if you see two! xx

  7. Oh crap, that's a bit of bad luck about the car (from previous post). Be careful Anita, they say things happen in three's: first you hurt your "back", then you "backed" into the gate. But now you're on the "front" cover of a book. Maybe this is a turning point. xx

    1. Yep, I've been thinking that bad luck comes in threes Caroline.... I'm being a little more cautious! xx

  8. Yay for the cover photo! Hope it makes it to print, because it's a great shot. I love those old hand mixers. I grew up using them.

    1. Thanks Dana! I'm determined to get one now. I've got a dodgy old whisk which has seen better days. I think my life will be more fulfilled with a rotary one! lol. xxx

  9. Oh too cool for school Brismod! Didn't know you were a professional vignetter. Looks fabulous xx

    1. I have untapped skills Pam! Ha! Maybe professional is too strong a word!


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