
Thursday 13 June 2013

Buying Florence Broadhurst bed linen

It's mid-year sale time in Australia and I've finally bought the Florence Broadhurst bed linen I have always admired. As my regular readers know, it is my mission in life to never pay full retail and also to not enter a big shopping mall (they depress me).

So it was win, win all round when I discovered from a friendly commentator that Adairs online stocked some of the Florence Broadhurst range and that it gets discounted at sale time. Hooray!

The Japanese floral bed linen with Chinese Key pattern backing

I scurried to the computer and ordered the Japanese Floral quilt cover, Florence Broadhurst Chinese Key pillow cases and some random flannelette sheet set (there is free delivery until June 30).

I really love the pattern of our new quilt, although the overall quality and general finish of the product is not as great as I would have expected...which is a shame...Thank goodness it was heavily discounted...

The Chinese Key pillow cases, on the other hand, are fabulous. I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy the whole sheet set because it is just gorgeous. The sheet set I was after is now sold out.

Florence Broadhurst Chinese Key pillow cases
It is great having some new bed linen this winter. Nothing like a new quilt cover to freshen up a bedroom.


  1. So pretty! I love bedding, but it is so expensive that I usually wait to get it on sale too. A lot of the time, what I want is sold out before the sale starts. I'm glad you got your quilt. Too bad the rest of the sheet set was sold out when you went back to buy it.

    1. Oh thanks Dana. Good to hear I'm not the only one who waits for the sales. I think I was lucky this time to get what I did. xx

  2. The Florence looks lovely against the green windows and white walls! It is a paatern that I have long admired as well. Excellent work on holding out to get your bargin. xo

  3. Finding nice, stylish, interesting bed linen that doesn't cost a bomb is almost impossible in this country. Unless it's on sale, and then you've got to be quick. I agree with Lou, the b&w looks great with your green windows.

  4. The sheets look fabulous! What a shame about the quality. You can't tell from photos. They really look spectacular. I think you need a house plant in that room to pull out the florals on your doona. Look at all your light! I'd love some Orla Kiely sheets or something from Rachel Castle. I agree with never paying retail!

  5. I bet you have such a warm glow after that shopping trip! I love it when I get something I've wanted for a long time..very special. The doona cover looks great with the green windows in your bedroom...great contrast.

  6. Wow, that looks gorgeous in your room, hope they are comfy and ditto on depressive shopping.

  7. Just love it, but you knew that!

  8. Hi. I may just be able to help you out with some sheets. Not Florence Broadhurst but the kimonos that provided her with so much inspiration. They won't be good to go until early next year but pop over to my blog for a few sneaky photos and to watch their "incubation" if you're interested.

    Oh and I love the new window! Perfect.

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