
Friday 28 June 2013

Vintage concrete planters

Love them or hate seems like the concrete planter is having a renaissance of sorts with happy homemaking gardeners.

This pair was a roadside find last Christmas. The faux barrel shape design is kind of quaint but you should've seen Jason's face when he first saw them. That 'how many more plants do you want to kill?' kind of look.

We just planted some jade plant cuttings in them as, I'm afraid, succulents are the only things which I can manage to keep alive. And it helps that the cuttings came from #1 Son's terrarium science project. Recycling is the name of the game.

(It may take a good while before the measly cuttings become more impressive!)

Some of the best vintage concrete planters in Brisbane can be found via Katherine at theoldboathouse who has a shop in the Cottage Garden Nursery in East Brisbane. She finds the coolest designs.

vintage concrete planters
image from Katherine's instagram feed

And here is another fabulous example of a concrete planter I found while browsing the net. How cool is this? Deliciously perfect for a mid-century home.

Willy Guhl cement plant pot from Angelucci


  1. I love concrete planters, but I've never been lucky enough to find any by the side of the road.

    1. Ha! One day Dana. It would be great to find a Willy Guhl planter though. lol! xx

  2. I love them Brismod. You should see my collection - most of them sadly festering away covered with spiderwebs in the shed. They will have their day in the sun eventually. Most of mine have come from swap meets, garage sales and the side-of-the road like yours. They are very pricey in vintage/retro shops here.

  3. I have found a lot of vintage planters and even vintage plants by visiting deceased estates when they come up for auction. You can find some absolute treasures dating all the way back to the 50s!


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