
Monday 29 July 2013

Hans Wegner daybed

Overjoyed is the only word I can use to describe today's delivery. We finally bought a new sofa for the lounge-room and it is just fabulous. I kind of feel like we don't deserve to have such a lovely piece!

It is a 1957 Hans Wegner oak daybed from the lovely people at Dansk Vintage and it is the one which I wrote about in this post.

It was in unrestored condition when I first saw it, but James from Dansk Vintage restored the piece beautifully and helped me pick a new fabric, as the original fabric sadly needed replacing.

Vella Brothers Upholstery in Salisbury did a lovely job with the upholstery too. It is called Warwick Beachcomber, which is a hard wearing textile suitable for our all-boy (except for me) household!

Our new daybed is perfect for our lounge room - comfortable and a nice size without being overly heavy or bulky.

Here are some shots of the newly restored Danish piece in the Sow's Ear:

Hans Wegner daybed
Some rearranging of furniture is occurring...I've moved our DQF viking chairs from the sun room to lounge room 

In this shot you can see the simple modernist angles of the daybed 

The day bed can be used for overnight guests. The back rest opens up to reveal a mattress. You are also able to store pillows and bedding in the space when the backrest is down.
Many thanks to Dansk Vintage and Vella Upholstery for a job well done. Also, many thanks to Mr D and his buddy Jimmy who very kindly became furniture removalists on their smoko this morning. Thanks a million.


  1. I love it- it's absolutely gorgeous!! There's something about those simple daybeds of that era, they're so incredibly stylish. And the smart solutions for the combined use are also so typical and clever. Mine also stores the bedding, but a little differently, it's under the seat. Looks so great paired with your table and chairs! Wonderful choice of fabric and pillows too:-) Congratulations!! WOW!!

    1. We're thrilled with it! It's like our first major furniture investment that we hope will be with us for the rest of our lives. xx

  2. That is really nice. And so practical too. A great find!

    1. Thanks so much. I love its dual purpose too. xx

  3. Ahhh....I knew it - AWESOME! Love the fabric - it looks fabulous in your home! xx

    1. Thanks Caroline. We're hoping it will withstand the boys...they're older now and they've also been warned!! xx

  4. It looks wonderful - what a find! x

    1. Thanks Edwina, we are so happy with it and feel very grown up...even though we're over 40! Ha! xx

  5. Looking excellent! Great find, and thanks (I think) for turning me on to Dansk - could be the start of some serious trouble.

    1. Thanks Charles. You won't be disappointed though - lovely people with such gorgeous furniture. x

  6. I had been wondering what decision you had made about the daybed. I'm so excited for you!!! It's an absolutely gorgeous piece of furniture, and they did a wonderful job of restoring it for you. I'm so glad you decided to get it.

  7. how fab!....looks perfect, love the colour....and yes very grown up! x

  8. Wow! that looks perfect, know what you mean about finding petite furniture to suit the small sized rooms that most Queenslanders have. Too good for boys,they can sit on beanbags,ha.

  9. It is just stunning. I'm so glad you bought it. You'll have it forever and it'll never answer back ... or leave Lego on the floor. I'm chuffed for you!

  10. It's gorgeous! Wonderful that you had it restored, suits the home beautifully!

  11. Amazing, love it. and the storage compartment. x

  12. Looking also at a Wegner daybed but unable to try one out as we're in Alice Springs. Before committing and shipping I'm wondering how comfortable it is, particularly with the back appearing to be rather low. A comfort rating? Thanks, Tim

    1. Hi Anon, Just saw your message.

      Okay, I would rate it about a 71/2 out of 10 for sitting up comfort. The back rest is not a problem at all for me. I like it because you sit high on the sofa compared to many low mid-century sofas. The mattress base is quite comfy too - good cushioning.

      And for lounging/lying down comfort it gets a 91/2 out of 10.

      I love it - looks great and comfy enough to watch tv/dvds during an evening. Hope that helps. xx


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