
Thursday 8 August 2013

Operation valance

After 15 years of marriage, it has finally dawned on me that Jason is not one to enjoy idleness. The man needs a reno project. Thank goodness we own the Sow's Ear.

For the last few months Jason hasn't sunk his teeth into any major project, and he's not been a happy person. He really is a wannabe tradie and is truly at his happiest when in full-on construction (and destruction) mode.

It was with glee that he ordered the timber to start the frames for the valance or timber battens for under our back deck. It was a project which he started last year, but for one reason or another he lost his motivation to finish it. But with the warmer weather nearing, Jason's got his mojo back. (I can hear his fans cheering and doing the Mexican wave for shirtless Jason...)

This weekend Jason's going to make a start on the valance. It should be a fairly straight forward job and it will make a huge difference to the look of the back end of the Sow's Ear.

The deck really looks like it is perched on a pair of sticks and the valance will give it more body and substance...if you know what I mean. It will also keep poor ol' Jason busy.

shot of the deck from the back yard

You can see the valance that Jason did late last year. The valance under the deck will just be a lengthier version


  1. Isn't this weather lovely? Perfect for a valance project. Good luck!

    1. It sure is! Can't wait for it to be started. Xx

  2. Oh your place is looking fab, love that shot up the side of the house with the fernery (is that a word?). So pleased the man has a project, I was beginning to wonder if you guys were going to have to sell and start again to given Jason something to do! mel x ps if he is bored he is always welcome to come and help paint Betsy, there is a lot to do. mel x

    1. It is looking much nicer with the ferns softening all that timber. We do have quite a few projects left, but we just spacing it out so we're no too overwhelmed. Ha! Jason would drive you mad if I sent him to your place...too much hi vis for a painting job!!

  3. Glad to hear you have a few jobs half started/finished as well. Is that a pink chair getting the heave-ho out the cubby house window?

    1. Ha ha! The pink chairs are barricading the cubby windows...aka the fortress for nerd battles! xx

  4. Such a pretty home, I'm breathless! If Jason's now busy again, slip out on a thrift hunt...he won't notice! x

    1. Oh thanks Pippa! Ha ha about thrift hunt...I have to stop...And probably should help Jason!

  5. Yes, the house is look pretty fabulous - the valance will finish it off beautifully. xx

    1. Thanks Caroline. We think it will look great too. xx

  6. Your beautiful house will look even more gorgeous with the new valance! If Jason is out of projects afterwards, I could easily find him one:-)

    1. Jason would live to go to Norway but just not sure he'd want to be bringing his tools as well. xx

  7. You're so lucky to be married to a project-oholic...and that you're one too! Your house gets more beautiful by the day, it seems! I can't wait to see a larger version of the valances.

    I had one grandfather who was like that, and he taught me all about how to use tools. It's a good thing too, because not a single other man in my life has ever enjoyed home projects.

  8. I'm not really a project-aholic...Jason is though. But you're right about me being lucky. He's very handy and does a great job! xx

  9. Isnt it great to have men that arent afraid of a bit of hard work :) Its going to look fantastic when its done, and just in time for summer drinks on the balcony!

    1. Yes, very lucky Jason likes a project! And it will look fab in summer!

  10. Yep, she needs a skirt and it's going to look great! Can't wait to see, so we can copy. ;-)

    1. Ha! Jenny, the skirt will make a huge difference. The deck has always looked not quite right, so hopefully it will finish it off nicely. xx


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