
Thursday 26 September 2013

Brisbane Open House 2013

As a house voyeur, I'm very excited about Brisbane Open House which is an annual event which allows the general public access to some of Brisbane's historic and more interesting buildings.

It will be held over the weekend of 12/13 October with the doors opening up to some amazing architectural buildings throughout Brisbane. Admission is also free. This year the open house scheme has widened its scope with doors being unlocked in Brisbane City, Southbank, Fortitude Valley, Spring Hill, Bowen Hills and the burbs.

Windmill Tower 1828
I'm also pleased that two very good friends have had their mid-century homes selected as part of the open house program - Eisenmenger House and the Chater Street residence. All the modernists of Brisbane are doing a fist this is a great step forward to increasing the awareness of preserving mid-century architecture. Yes!

Chater Street residence 1966
 I have featured this home a few times on my blog. Call me cutting edge.
Both architect designed homes, could very easily have been demolished or 'modernised', so it's heartening to see that the owners could see the value in restoring and preserving their homes. You must book to see these homes.

Spring Hill Baths 1886

I've already planned my itinerary and have pre-booked a couple of tours via the Brisbane Open House website. Make sure you check out the website here if you are keen to take part too.


  1. How cool for your friends! I know you're going to have fun on the tour.

    I have a friend who was into mid-century before it made a comeback, and her house was on a tour back in the late 80s or early 90s. People marched through her home openly saying, "I threw this junk out years ago" and completely bashing her style. Thank goodness your friends' homes will be understood and appreciated...and very likely will help others understand why these homes must be preserved.

    1. How sad for your friend! I think it's incredible how people can't see past fashion and trends. Good design and the well-made will always endure. I agree Dana, awareness is the key to make sure these homes are better appreciated. xx


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