
Wednesday 4 September 2013

Home advice for Tony

Looks like we're about to get a new Prime Minister next Saturday if all the newspapers and polling results are to be believed. That'll be three different Prime Ministers since I first started this blog and it's only just clocked up four years! Who can keep up with Australian politics' version of musical chairs?

Anyway, if Tony Abbott is going to be the next person in the top job then I need to see how the man lives. What kind of house does the wannabe-PM call home?

After consulting the oracle that is Google Images, I found more shots of his Forestville home than any other politician's home I have featured on Fun and VJs. (You can read about Julia, Kevin and Bob by clicking on their names)

There's exterior photos of Tony's home, some shots in the kitchen, a few in the lounge room and one near the internal stair case. I've simply been spoilt for choice on this occasion!

Tony Abbott's home. Pleased to see some Aboriginal Art on their walls...
image from here
image from here

Image from here

Well, I have to say that I never picked Tony living in a retro pad! (Jason was quick to crack a joke about the retro house being much like Tony's retro views...ha! Good one!) 

It's groovy and I'm so jealous that I could cry in my cornflakes. I love the cantilever style facade, the awning windows and how it is positioned high on the block. It looks to be a late 1960s house, but I could be wrong...

I'm not a fan of the exterior house colour though. It looks beige in these photographs. It would look striking in a strong dark colour and white. It looks kind of bland at the moment.

There's even a pool in the front of the home for Tony to parade in his sluggos. How is that not a surprise to me as well?
image from here

I was, however, most disappointed when I saw shots of the kitchen...

image from here
Look, it's a nice kitchen but they didn't embrace the mid-century theme as I had hoped. I bet you the original kitchen used to be orange with lots of brown accents. Their kitchen cabinetry is far too country/traditional for the home in my humble opinion. They ought to have gone mod style. Think timber veneer and plain cabinets...slick.

image from here
The entire interior seem to be very cream and beige... It's a bit too safe for my liking. It really needs some pops of colour, don't you think? 

You'd never know from looking at the interiors, that they had a very cool looking house exterior. An injection of Danish Modern furnishings would suit the home too...I might send them some links to my favourite mid-century mod blogs to steer them in the right direction.

And tonight at 8pm, Kitchen Cabinet is airing on the ABC with Annabel Crabb invited to Tony's home for a barbecue. Hopefully, we'll be able to see more of the would be PM's retro house.


  1. Really interesting that the exterior is so modern and the interior isn't. I never understand why someone buys a house that looks so modern if they don't really like the style. A little bland on the interior for me too, by the way.

    1. Me too! It's a shame they didn't embrace the style a little more. xx

  2. Until I came to know you, Anita, I wasn't interested in Australian politics in the slightest, and now I live for a change of prime minister so I can read your incisive commentary on their interiors.

    1. Yes, it's almost become my calling in life to real-estate stalk our can tell a lot about a person when you see their decor. It should be mandatory for candidates to have open-house inspections!

  3. Ha ha, hilarious... love it! Totes agree w everything you say, too much beige and pink without any style or conviction. I say, they need a stoilist (stylist) ;-)

    1. A stoilist is definitely required to zhoush this home! Less beige and more pops!

  4. Ha ha, hilarious... love it! Totes agree w everything you say, too much beige and pink without any style or conviction. I say, they need a stoilist (stylist) ;-)

  5. I watched Kitchen Cabinet so I could see more of the house but after the story about how he almost became a priest and then left because a friend closed a $1.5 billion deal blah blah blah I (threw up) changed channels because of my socialist leanings and because that beige kitchen could be seen just over this shoulder. To be fair I will probably change channels 5 minutes into Kevin's show tonight too :)

    1. Ha ha! I watched it and did a little vomit in my mouth when I saw the feature wall...oh I'm dying to see the inside of Kevin's house but from the promos, all you see is the deck!

    2. I think it is lunch/brunch on the verandah. Bet we don't get to see anything else. I'm hoping we don't actually because I'm sure it's full of wallpaper borders or stencils and heavy heritage colour swag curtains and tasmanian oak kitchen. Very late 80s early 90s. Every large Queenslander's nightmare decor. I would be gutted to know I guessed right.

    3. Beige is as beige does, I say!!! How conservative can a conservative be? Does that sound like a riddle.
      Try this: How many budgies can a budgy smuggler smuggle if a budgy smuggler is a bit dodgy? Say it five times fast and then have a lie down for it will be a dreary week end of electoral dross ahead. Kitchen Cabinet may be the only bright spot I fear!

  6. P.S. Imagine getting the groceries upstairs! Do you think they have a dumb waiter?

    1. I suggest it may be part of Tony's fitness training regime... xx

  7. Wonderful decorator advice for Tony!

  8. No kitchen love from me. Beige and black + bleurgh. Do tell about the feature wall! Had a giggle about Jo's comments on KRudd's house- bet she is spot on! mel x

    1. I just watched the KRudd segment and he had a kitchen similar to mine! Same natural light granite, similar pantry cupboard profile, white interior...there was even good artwork...Now, I'm conflicted...ha!

    2. The KRudd house wasn't bad at all. Left me wanting to see more, especially of that piece of art. Nice garden too.

    3. I know. I was hoping he'd make an espresso with the Miele coffe machine on the wall for Annabel. I was also jealous of the lush foliage in the garden. Hmmm...I wonder if this will influence my vote! xx

  9. Ooh .. he's far to hairy for me! :-)

    1. Don't worry! I'm sure he'll start to manscape that chest when he's PM...xx

  10. Funny post. I watched the Kitchen Cabinet show. Pretty much only saw the kitchen for memory. Funny Tony's kitchen was pretty similar to Kev's kitchen the next night!

    1. They were very similar, weren't they? But Kevin's kitchen looked a bit more expensive... and he had a high-end fridge without all fridge magnets! xx

  11. Did you enjoy "Kevin's special spot on the Verandah"? lol

    Congratulations to Annabel Crabb for putting together two relative subjective pieces on each leader. At least she got to have a glass of red with Tony, versus a 'Cuppa with Kev'. Was slightly disappointed with how her mini pavs turned out though. Oh well, armed with those tid bits its time to go vote!

    Cheers, Col

  12. Please no more sluggos on after dinner TV, I'll never be able to enjoy a "banana in a hammock" again after that post election analysis.


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