
Friday 22 November 2013

Featherston holiday and Australian Modern Design

The last few days have been kind of fun. Yesterday I was given a Featherston chair...!! But only as a temporary loan. Ha! I didn't knock it back though.

My mates Chris and Susan who are publishers of the new book Australian Modern Design have an excess of chairs and not enough space to store them...typical dilemma for chair collectors. There were a few Featherstons, a Saarinen and some other great pieces that were just sitting in storage. Chris thought one of the Featherstons should have a holiday at the Sow's Ear...until it is wanted again. Classic!

How often can you get the 'designer look' without actually paying the 'designer bucks'?

The Featherston is now residing in our Queenslander bedroom until it is recalled for active duty at the modernist front.

How cool is that? And what's even cooler is that I got my hands on a copy of Australian Modern Design which will be out soon at selected locations nationally.

Stay tuned to hear more about this fabulous new limited edition book about mid-20th century Australian architecture and design...


  1. Wow, lucky you! The chair is fantastic. The book looks great too. Now isn't this just your lucky week? :)

    1. Hi Dana! Oh, it's been a great week. The book is truly fabulous and it so nice to see it after many weeks/months of effort. xx

  2. That gorgeous chair looks well at home, it may not want to leave.

    1. It will certainly be hard to say goodbye to the chair. I'm already very! xx

  3. Will definitely buy a copy of that book when it is released.
    A friend of mine has just found a Featherstone Scape chair on the side of the road!!! It's council verge collections here at the mo, and she (why wasn't it me?!) hit the jackpot!

    1. OMG! A Scape chair in the hard rubbish. That's the stuff of dreams!! xx

  4. Wow, you have the coolest friends! Can I add they are very trusting to send such an item to a house with minors, at least it should be somewhat safe in your room. I would be on edge just having the thing in my house frankly. mel x

    1. And such generous friends too. Fortunately it is made of hide, so it is virtually indestructible...and my friends will be getting it reupolstered when I return it. Ha! xx

  5. I totally agree with Mel. You have been most prudent keeping it in your room away from three boys and in plain sight for you to dream about!

    1. P.S. That bedspread is a bit lovely. My girlfriend had a couple made when she lived in Samoa just like it!

    2. Get your girlfriend to send you one. It is so nice and one of my favourite because it is a riot of colour and islander pattern! It is from Tahiti and is just a simple cotton bedspread. And yes the chair has to stay in the bedroom and the children have been warned. xx

  6. I was just reading your blog and saw your Featherston chair, was only just watching the auction show on ABC about them! Nice to see the new publication "Australian Modern", looking forward to seeing it.


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