
Monday 25 November 2013

Finel Coffee Pot

The op-shop gods have been kind...I've been on a bit of an op-shop roll at the moment. It's a dreadful affliction - this need to scour charity shops for bits of pretty mid-century glass or homewares...

Finel coffee pot

However, never did I think I would find a Finel coffee pot sitting forlornly on a shelf next to the many donated pyrex coffee plungers. I did a double-take, snatched it with both hands, clutched it tightly to my chest and whispered to it, "My precious."

Image from here
The enamel coffee pot was designed in 1957 by Finnish designer Antti Nurmesniemi and has become a sort of design icon among mid-century modern enthusiasts and collectors. It is like the Finnish equivalent to the Norwegian Cathrineholm lotus coffee pots which are also a very highly sought-after item.

Etsy image from here

Looks like it's the Sow's Ear for stove-top coffee, people!


  1. What a fabulous find!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. WELL DONE YOU!!!! It's beautiful.

  3. It's wonderful...looks brand new. What a fabulous find, Anita. Congratulations!

  4. I'm coming over for coffee, Anita:-) Oh, I know the feeling exactly, especially the one when you're holding your treasure with both hands, so it won't slip away!!!
    What a gorgeous find! I love these, I think the design is even cooler than the Norwegian one (don't tell anyone I said so:-) We have a chocolate brown one in my office, my boss bought it back in the days. They're so gorgeous, so happy for you!!

  5. Dang I miss the oppies! I know that feeling too where you grab and clutch in case another enthusiast should sidle over and grab it on the counter. never ever say, I'll just leave this here while I look around! Grab and clutch every time!

  6. You have indeed been blessed by the op shop Gods! That's one of the big things I miss about Brisbane, actually. The op shops out this way aren't that crash hot...

  7. Wow!!! It is very interesting!!!! Nice collection. dear!!!

    Kopi Luwak

  8. A friend of mine sent me a link to this post as she thought I might have a giggle. I have the same story but about the exact Cathrineholm piece you picture. I also live in Brisbane and after looking often on ebay and seeing these pieces go for up to $200 thought I could never own one...then across the room in my local Salvos I saw it! My heart stopped for a moment as I reached for it and saw the $5 tag. Love your Finel one too. Sharing your joy.

    1. Oh that's so funny Shelley! I bet you were patting yourself on the back about that find. It's great to be able to still find these things at a bargain price! xx

  9. Nice find! How do you use it though? Trying mine now for the first time but keen on finding out best method!

    1. Oh Anonymous, I haven't used it yet. It is purely for show on my kitchen shelves at the moment. It would work like a normal percolator I'd assume...Sorry, I wasn't able to help. xx

  10. I too feel so lucky, I live in the Netherlands and 3 years ago I found a red percolator sitting among the coffee cups and saucers, which turned out to be Finel of Finland. Did not think anything of it at first because I love coffee and at that moment I thought, oh yes now I can make coffee the old fashioned way. I actually have 5 methods of making coffee because I love it so much. Anyway it was 7.50 euros and I notice the little dent on the lid, but chalked it down to it being used and maybe someone dropped it. Later I found out that it is one of the most important trademarks of this pot. I have one in red and it looks great in my retro kitchen. When I got home I took a closer look noticed something written on the bottom. Being the curious person that I am I always google it…HA! It was amazing…I could bot believe what I had found and what they were selling for on the internet. I am very happy with this good looking pot. I do use it too, but I love to admire it more than use it...


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