
Thursday 14 November 2013

Stove-top coffee...bringing back the moka pot

Our coffee machine is kaput. We've been resorting to our old stove-top coffee maker or moka pot for the past few weeks. It's been a nice change brewing coffee the old school way: the way we used to when we were younger and couldn't afford the more elaborate espresso machines.

Vev Vigano Kontessa Oro coffee percolator. Recently acquired

We've been contemplating getting a new coffee machine but to be honest the stove-top percolator is perfectly fine for our needs and more importantly it doesn't take up valuable kitchen bench space. We have not ventured down that coffee pod path yet...although we have toyed with the idea...

The stove-top coffee percolators look very cool if you want to view it from a design perspective. For example, the Bialetti coffee makers are an iconic kitchen symbol - the Moka Express is a design classic and has been for 70 years. A Bialetti on a stove-top screams Euro chic...if you are into that...

Bialetti ad from here

Alessi's 9090 coffee pot designed by Richard Sapper in the 1970s is another notable coffee maker and is on display in the permanent design collection at MOMA in New York.

Alessi 9090 coffee machine.
image from here

One of my favourites is the Atomic coffee machine which was designed in 1946. You could liken it to a work of art on a stove-top such is its sculptural beauty. Designed by Giordanon Robbiati in Italy, this machine is still produced to this day. It is also permanently displayed at the Design Museum in London.

Atomic Coffee machine
Image from here

At the Sow's Ear, we have a small Italian stainless steel percolator which we use in the mornings. We've had it for nearly 20 years and it makes a decent cup of coffee.

Our small coffee percolator which we use daily

And recently we acquired a second hand Vev Vigano Kontessa Oro pot which is just the nicest looking percolator while being incredibly well-made. It is made out of stainless steel with a brass handle and knob. It's a large 12 cup coffee percolator which we will use on the weekends and when our mates pop over for a cuppa.

Vev Vigano Kontessa
Image from here

Do you have a favourite coffee maker?  What do you use to make your brew?


  1. We've never had a coffee machine...too expensive and as for the pod ones, well, they are not on the shopping list AT ALL. We use my old Bialetti stove top one and love it. Easy to clean, doesn't take up bench space and I can use whatever brand coffee I like.
    I love a good cuppa and toyed with the idea of a "machine" but couldn't bring myself to fork out the dollars when the stove-top one works fine

    1. How cool that you have a Bialetti. You know I've never had one. We've had a cheap machine and it was great for getting the crema but I'm enjoying the stove top... The coffee is always nice and hot. xx

  2. I have drunk coffee made in an Atomic (next door neighbour in Melb - I was so impressed that she had one and used it!), and grew up drinking stove top coffee (my best friend's parents were Italian and that, of course is how they drank theirs) I have a stove top percolator my friend's Mum brought me back from Italy - I must hunt it down. We drink coffee machine coffee, ours (an old non-Breville Saeco is on it's last legs I think, we've had it repaired twice and I don't think it'll survive a third time) so it might be a good time to have a fossick in the shed...Anthony has his own plunger which he takes with him to work (he works with lots of Americans who brew their coffee all day long - he says it's disgusting).

    1. I'm impressed too about the Atomic being used all the time! And yes, look for your stove-top pronto if your machine is on its last legs. Ours was past its use by date. xx

  3. We have a fully automatic built-in Gaggenau in our rental and I hate it. Whenever I go to make a coffee there is ALWAYS a message on it (i.e. fill with water, fill with beans, empty trays, needs cleaning, etc, etc.) I would never recommend anyone to buy a fully-auto machine - the electronics always seem to go on them. We do own a manual La Scala Butterfly which is a commercial grade machine and I love it (currently in storage but soon to come out!!!) Makes the perfect cafe-style coffee. I also have an Atomic packed away somewhere which I bought many moons ago - used to use it all the time. It will definitely be on display somewhere in the new kitchen. We buy our beans on-line from Fish River Roasters, but have recently acquired some cheap beans from PNG which are pretty good too - yes the Wontok system is still alive and well. xx

    1. Wow! You're a serious coffee person Caroline. We have friends like that and we always love visiting them because the guaranteed great coffee they serve! lol! How cool that you have an atomic too. Lucky you! xx

  4. If you want to give the coffee pod machine ago without the expense, try the Kmart one ... it takes Nespresso pods and only cost $29. I think they normally retail for $79 but when I bought ours it was on sale for $29. The idea around buying the Kmart one was to road test it before investing big dollars in the real deal ... we've always used a stove top percolator so I didn't want to buy a Nespresso and then find that we didn't like it ... however, the Kmart one has now lasted over 18 months so don't know whether we should bother upgrading or just keep throwing out the Kmart one when it dies and buying a new one. We have that attitude with BBQs too ... why invest thousands and thousands into a BBQ when they all get to that stage that you want to throw them anyway. We just buy the cheapy $89 ones from Bunnings and every three years or so put it out on council pick up day and buy a brand new one. Because we keep our relatively clean, someone always picks it up before council any way and finds another use for it. We've looked at the $3000 models and figure we could buy 10 over the next 30 years and still not spend anywhere near that money. Anyway ... highly recommend the Kmart machine. It's a nice looking machine too ... very slimline so doesn't take up as much space as the real deal. Only tip is that you need to buy the Nespresso pods ... if you buy the cheaper ones from Coles etc, the machine will leak.
    Anonymous Natalie

    1. I have a mate who has an aldi one that makes a great cuppa. I love visiting her. Thanks for that tip about the kmart one. I like how easy they are to use and how you can make the coffee quite fast. And the tip re the BBQ is one I may heed. We've never had a gas BBQ and Jason would like one after 15 years of using a weber...xx

  5. I have a coffee pod machine which I use to make cappuccinos but nothing beats a short black made with freshly ground coffee.

    1. Thanks for your comment Maria. The pods are convenient aren't they? But you're right about freshly ground coffee. Nothing can beat that. xx

  6. Coffee is like a religion in our house. We have tried almost every type of machine to make coffee. Miele fully automatic (alright coffee but too manythings to clean every 5 seconds) to stovetop. An old Bialetti is still going strong and a trusty sidekick on camping trips. For the past 11 years though my husband had had a coffee mistress in the form of a La Pavoni Europiccolo. Its an older style (1957) with a pull down handle. Still makes the most unbelievable coffee and my husband refuses to replace her. Every morning he makes the most perfect coffee for me and every evening roasts some beans to be ground and used the next day. I consider myself a very lucky woman!

    1. Thanks for dropping in RuthieB. I love how people are passionate about their coffee. We always take our stove top when we camp too. Thanks for letting me know about the La Pavoni Europiccolo too. I'm going to google it as it is new to me. Sounds fabulous though. You are a lucky woman indeed to have freshly roasted beans every day. xx


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