
Friday 10 January 2014

Birthdays are fun

It's been a bit quiet around here on the blog because I've had a fun week celebrating my birthday...yay!

The boys thoroughly spoiled me and I've been in heaven with a new Bose music system which replaces an old CD/radio/tape deck I bought when I was in my early 20s...and is still going strong. Loyalty is one of my strongest points...clearly.

The new system can play CDs and has digital radio. It also came with a Bluetooth device which can pick up the tunes from our iPhones and other devices. We're so far behind the times around here...but we're getting there.

I've put the new system in the kitchen as it is quite compact - we can listen to the radio while entertaining and cooking. It's so good. There has definitely been a lack of music in the Sow's Year and 2014 is the year to change that sad fact.

I was also the happy recipient of a toy monkey. He's been swinging all over the house.You have to agree: he's pretty damn cute.

A bottle of Mumm champagne from the kids (actually it was Son #3 who insisted that I get alcohol...and my own wine glass - he's an intuitive soul) was another lovely gift and will  be enjoyed on the weekend with some friends.

Here's to another year of getting older and fun birthdays!


  1. Happy belated birthday, Anita. (And thanks for the absolutely beautiful Christmas card, as well.) Your fellows really took good care of you this birthday. Love your monkey and am green with envy over your Boze system. I'm glad you had such a nice celebration. :)

    1. Thanks so much Dana. Yes, the boys were very good to me. Very grateful. Xx

  2. Happy birthday! What lovely kids you have! xx

    1. Thanks Ness. Yes, the kids are very nice and is their father! xx

  3. Happy Birthday gorgeous!! More music in the house is a brilliant 'resolution'. Your Bose system looks very up there! And of course the special monkey is juts delightful. Again happy birthday!!!xo

    1. Thanks MMMC. I'm in heaven - it's been great torturing the kids with my music collection with a great set of speakers. Only Son #3 seems to appreciate it...

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for your birthday wishes. xx

  5. Happy Birthday. We still have an archaic CD player too!

    1. Ha! You don't realise when you upgrade how bad the music situation was...mind you, our starting point wasn't very good... the portable cd/tape deck should never have been our main system for so long!! xx

  6. What thoughtful presents! Happy birthday! X kl

  7. Happy belated birthday, sweet Anita!!! Oh, what absolutely wonderful gifts!! It's obvious that they all adore you:-) I hope you had an amazing day, it certainly sounds like it!! Cheers for you!!! xx

    1. I had an absolutely fabulous day and was nicely spoilt by everyone. Very happy. xx

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I had a great start to the year. xx

  9. Happy Birthday Anita - (again) all my comments seem to be disappearing lately! Lovely gifts - I especially like the thought of having some good tunes playing in the kitchen - planning on doing the same. xx

    1. You will love having tunes in your nice new kitchen, that's for sure. Thanks for your lovely wishes. xx

  10. Happy Birthday cute stuff ;-)

  11. Happy birthday Anita - what a great present - we are further behind the times than you so a better sound system might need to be on the cards for the next house :-) Cheers, Col

  12. Happy Birthday fellow Capricornian, hope you had a lovely day xx

    1. Yes, all the good people are born in January. Thanks Jenny. xx


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