
Thursday 2 January 2014

Vintage concrete planter and a pencil thin moustache

I received a small concrete planter from my Mum. It's very cute and I placed it at the foot of our entry stairs.

vintage concrete planter
The plan was to paint it but after I posted a picture of it on Instagram there was a public outcry to leave it alone. Who knew an old pot could draw out such emotion? Fortunately I like it the way it is too - patina over paint for me in this instance (although it would look great painted!). And leaving it, as is, obviously appealed to my lazy side!

With some left over money on a gift voucher from a hardware store, we went out to buy a plant for it. I chose a geranium variety called Big Red - apparently they are quite hardy and thrive on neglect. Win, win!

Big Red flowers on this one just yet...

On a completely different tangent, Jason has been nurturing some facial hair growth during his Christmas break.
David Niven

He manicured it into a pencil thin moustache - think a dapper David Niven or swashbuckling Errol Flynn...rather than seedy looking petty crim or Gold Coast pimp...

pencil thin moustache
Anyway, I dared Jason to wear it to work today...not actually expecting him to go through with it. Well, he did and there were a few raised eyebrows and embarrassing silences...he's only just changed jobs recently too. Ha, ha!

Somehow, the David Niven vision was not how his work colleagues described his sartorial tastes. Very funny though. He'll be shaving off his David Niven and will revert back to being good ol' Jason.

The end.


  1. So glad you left your planter is you received it Anita.
    It will get all the colour it needs from that lovely Geranium.

    1. Yeah, a good decision. Can't wait for big red to flower. xx

  2. Oh we just got an old concrete sombrero and I am having the same dilemma - paint or leave as is.

    1. It seems the leave it as is option is the popular choice! cx

  3. Love the planter as is, and you can never go wrong with geraniums! That was quite some moustache Jason cultivated. Too bad his fellow employees weren't very receptive.

    1. Geraniums are hard to kill! And the mo is no longer.,.maybe next holiday he can grow a Salvador Dali...!


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