
Thursday 15 May 2014

The paint brushes are out...

We've picked up the paint brushes again...I am using the royal 'we', of course, as it is Jason who is the Master Painter around here.

Taping around the doors and ceiling, ready for some paint.

It is a gentle start to restore and freshen up this modernist home. When the vertical blinds in the lounge room  were removed a few weeks ago, it revealed a raw pine mullion between the two glass sliding doors... which Jason was compelled to paint.

Some shirtless painting...purely to indulge his dwindling fan base...
You see, the glass sliding doors are not original to the house. This mid-century beauty would have had slightly larger aluminium sliding doors. In the original plans of the house, Lidco glass sliding doors were specified. For one reason or another, the doors were changed...most probably because the original Lidco sliders would not have locked effectively or became hard to slide over the years.

They would have been similar to the sliding doors found in a Robin Spencer designed house I visited earlier this year. You can read about it here. In a perfect world we would like to restore the sliding doors back to what it would have been...all in good time though.

1960s glass sliding doors 

Regarding the painting, at least it is a start, albeit a very small start...We will progressively paint all the other walls in this room in vivid white acrylic which seems to give the dark plywood ceilings an instant lift.

Small start to repainting the modernist house


  1. Replies
    1. Let's hope we retain the has been nice without the disruption of painting and home improvements!

  2. Oh wow, what a difference that white makes. Looking fab.

  3. Sooooo much better without those blinds. Looking good!

    1. Those verticals were always going to be a temporary resident with us installed in the would be even nicer with extra large glass sliders...xx

  4. No better combination than white & timber together, its going to be great!!

  5. I love the looks of things with the blinds gone, and that white is going to make everything brilliant. Looks like Jason's brief period of rest has come to an end. :)

    1. No rest for the wicked, eh Dana? We prefer it without the blinds too. xx

  6. The white paint looks great. I love the look of white walls and timber too. However, I would need to be convinced about aluminium windows and doors, but I have an open mind, so I'll look forward to when you get to that bit. Having said that, there was a time when I thought any house built after, say, 1945, couldn't possibly have any integrity. After living in a MCM house for the last five years I have slowly been brought kicking and screaming into the future - well 1972, anyway!

    1. I used to think the same but having come from a house full of timber casements which would sometimes swell during the rainy season, there are many benefits to aluminium sliding windows. Anyway, they are part of this house and where we can we will reinstate some of the original windows and sliding doors. Learning a lot about this MCM building stuff! xx

    2. Actually, our previous house - which was built in 1962 and then modernised in the 80s and which we were never able to reconcile ourselves to - had all wooden windows (in the original parts) except for a sliding door which was aluminium. It had a very wide profile at the top and bottom and the plate glass had lovely rounded edges and a little indent in it for placing the fingers and pulling it open and shut. It's a distant memory now, but I did like it.

  7. Haha! Go Jason!
    So pleased you found this house- a perfect match!

    1. Yes, go Jason! We're over joyed finiding this place. xx

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work on this great looking home!

    Thanks again for sharing!

  9. Wait I'm confused, you've moved? Looks fab anyway, love all that wood panelling and raised windows, so light and lovely.

    1. Yes! Two months ago. It is a great new project for us. xx


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