
Monday 4 August 2014

Five years of Fun and VJs

Who knew five years ago when we wrote our first blog post on Fun and VJs we would still be plugging away today, even after a house move? Ha! Clearly I need another hobby...and Jason needs a DIY break!

Cheers to five years of blogging! Martinis in our mid-mod house.
It's been terrific fun to have a platform like blogging to chronicle our DIY adventures. From renovating our old interwar Queenslander - the Sow's Ear - to now, restoring a mid-century modern home in suburban's certainly an evolution of sorts.

Moving to a different style of home and restoring it sympathetically is presenting a whole new set of experiences for us. It's not as straightforward as you might expect given it is a younger house to the Sow's Ear. There is such a lack of appreciation and awareness of mid-century housing in Queensland. We hope by writing about our attempts to preserve and respect the original architecture of our home, we will provide some inspiration for others wanting to do the same...particularly when the norm is to just throw out the old and modernise completely.

Hopefully, some things we have written on this blog over the past five years will resonate with readers. Perhaps you're in the midst of renovating an old Queenslander or you are just about to embark on mid-century house renovation project?  We've never put it out there that we are experts...far from it. We make mistakes all the time but we like sharing information which might be useful to others...even if it is learning what not to do!

As you can see, Jason still insists on painting at night...

Although we have never reached uber-blogger status (except in our own minds) still amazes us we have such a large audience from all around the world...who are not just spammers!

Thank you so much for reading Fun and VJs. We hope you'll stick with us while we restore our mid-mod home.



  1. Happy blog birthday! Blogging is more than sharing your life and experiences, it's also a channel to meet people. Cheers to that!

    Susan x

    1. Thanks Susan! It was terrific to finally meet you and to share the recipe book launch celebrations. Blogging has opened the door to many good friendships! xx

  2. Congratulations on five wonderful years! Your is a blog I truly love, and I'm so glad we met and became friends.

    1. Dana, you really are the best. Thanks so much for your lovely words and the excellent support you give us! Xxox

  3. Replies
    1. Many, many thanks HIH! Can't believe how the time has flown! xx

  4. I can't believe it's five years! I remember when I first started following you. I think I emailed your mate Chris about something MC and he put me onto your blog. And I'm still reading! I think of you and Jason as two of my pals, and of course your three boys are just beautiful. Now I'm finally renovating a MC place of our own, I'm also hanging on your every word!! Here's to another five years! Chin. Chin. xo

    1. Nor I! How fortuitous that you took Chris' advice as I never would've known the world of MMMC and her solid gold dancers. So glad you came into our lives and that we are now in the mid-century houses we so desperately wanted to call home! xx

  5. Love what you guys are doing with your mid century home! I really admire your respect for this era - would love to see it one day

  6. Happy 5th Birthday! I really appreciate your blog. It has been such a good resource for us in our Queenslander home renovation. So thankful for your posts that connected me with other renovation blogs too. xox

    1. I'm so glad you found the blog useful and were able to connect with other bloggers renovating their Queenslander. Xx

  7. Wow, five years and how things have changed!
    Your blog has been, and will continue to be, an excellent source of info and inspiration to many.
    So happy that I have followed along reading and made a new friend out of it too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Lots of things have changed but we're still painting...ha! So glad to have met you too! xx

  8. Here's to another 5 years and lots more loveliness!! xx

  9. Congratulations guys - we have loved following your journey along the way, it has certainly helped ours. Five year anniversary is wood for the traditionalists or silver for the modernists. Perhaps its time to find a mid-century wooden clock to keep track of the time over the next five years, or maybe some mid-century silverware (think drinks tray or cutlery) for all the dinner parties to come at each stage of the mid-mod revival?
    Here's cheers! Col & Kate

    1. That's so lovely of you to say. I had no idea five years was wood or silver...might have to take your advice and find something to add to the collection. xx

  10. Happy Anniversary!
    When we bought our cottage and I started my blog two years ago, I put 'house restoration' into a blog directory search and up you popped. I've been reading ever since. Our old place obviously isn't a Queenslander or even mid century, but I love your enthusiasm, energy and the unique humour in your posts. Long may they continue!

    1. Oh thanks so much! Yes, we have a lot of enthusiasm. And if we didn't laugh we'd probably cry! lol. xx

  11. Delighted to find your blog and to see the love and respect you pour into restoring original design elements in your home. We're doing much the same to a 1940s bungalow in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., and very much appreciate the inspiration and hands-on info you share!

  12. Love your new house!
    I always enjoy reading your posts and Instagram pics!

    1. How lovely of you to say! Many thanks for reading. xx

  13. Happy Blog-versary what a great milestone to celebrate! Cheers to many more home loving stories to blog about for many more years to come :)


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