
Sunday 6 December 2009


The agaves are planted. Now we will just forget about them and hope they grow.

Agaves in a row.

These were probably the nicest looking ones (the others 10 or so weren't worthy to be featured just yet because they were too puny). However, they will be beauties in time.

I did a quick google search to see how much agaves cost at the nurseries (I have always been able to obtain cuttings) and to my complete shock they retail between $15 and $40 each for the sizes we planted.

Thank-you Agave Fairy!


  1. Divine, You have an Agave Fairy. I wish. !! xox

  2. Very nice Anita! Looks like beautiful weather there too! We are having a mix of rain & snow right now! temps in the low 30's I'm Loving the Big snowflakes!

    Dont work too hard! Hope you guys have a great weekend!

    Hugs ~ Teresa

  3. They look fantastic and really suit the spot in your garden hope you are having a lovely day, cheers Katherine

  4. Hi again, just noticed your post that included your fab hardoy batwing chair.(it was in the 'you might also like'. Sorry I have not commented sooner I must have missed the post originally, thanks for the shout out it was a lovely surprise, the chair looks wonderful, cheers Katherine

  5. Thanks everyone!
    The weather has been really hot, Teresa. I think snow would be a relief at the moment.No fear about working too hard - I usually like to cruise.
    Anytime, Katherine - we love the chair especially on a breezy afternoon having a nice cold drink. Like now. Cheers!

  6. Hi Anita! Your agaves look great. We haven't paid any attention to ours in the 2 years we have been here and they just keep growing. Nice to have some low (or no) maintenance plants in the garden.
    How hot is it?!


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