
Wednesday 9 December 2009


One of my favourite things I like about the new kitchen is the groovy jelly bean shaped shelves in the corner cupboard. They are called leMans Corner and are by Hafele.

LeMans corner shelves

Useful - see how you can pull the shelf right out

I store all my pots in this area. It makes searching for the right pot so much easier and makes my usually disorganised life organised (at least in this cupboard). They glide out effortlessly and are strong enough to take the weight of my smaller cast iron pots. An extremely effective form of storage.

I would highly recommend them and I have no vested interest in saying so!


  1. Are we twins who were separated at birth...I have those too! Same benchtops...same cupboards...same love for agaves...You have impeccable taste my dear Brisbane blogging friend!!!

    Best wishes always, Natasha.

  2. Love the rail on the side adds an almost deco look!!

  3. Those shelves are great, and you've got me thinking now of my life as a cupboard (with spilled spices).

  4. I absolutely covet these! My 80's era cabinets are a total jumble of pots, strainers, pans. A very thoughtful touch for the cook (in a beautiful kitchen, BTW!)

  5. Wow! Anita.. Now these are my kind of shelves! This would be like heaven! I will have to keep my eye out for this when we reno our kitchen!


    Hope you guys are having a great week! ~ Teresa

  6. I no longer have those - but used to!! The will definitely be an addition to the next house. I guess when you want to get organised, we can find you hiding in your pot cupboard ;-)

  7. Hey Anita, thanks for visiting (see...I will return comments ha!). I wrote a note again for you back on my blog x

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments - who knew shelves could be so interesting?
    laurelstreet thanks for visiting and I assure you that these shelves will solve your jumble.
    Natasha, perhaps there WAS a mix up at the is uncanny!

  9. OK this is too depressing! I used to have these, then we moved to this house & I've gone back to rubbish cupboards like Laurel Street. Every time I have to rummage around looking for the saucepan lids I nearly deafen myself with the noise. Oh & the latch is busted, so I need to kick it shut (with my good foot!). One day Millie, one day!
    M ^_^


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