
Monday 19 July 2010

Afghan Rug

New rug in the "still to be painted" sunroom

We bought a new rug for our reading nook in the sunroom. 

A flat weave wool rug, apparently hand knotted in Afghanistan. I wouldn't swear on the Koran about that though, especially since it was an ebay purchase. Anyhow, it's an inexpensive rug and it is perfect for this area.

(The wool rug we used to have here was the wrong shape and size for the space. It now lives in our main bedroom and it looks like it was always meant for that room.)

I've been hankering for something a little more tribal and this rug satisfies those urges. The mix of traditional rugs/textiles and mid century modern decor has always appealed to me, but even more so when I started blogging. 

The deep indigo and burgundy in the rug are comforting colours and add more warmth to the room. I also like how it is not too plush and manageable enough to give it a good beating and shaking outdoors (I'm a cruel woman).

Tomorrow, I'm off to find a non-slip rug underlay. If I can't find it locally, it will mean a trip to that tempter, I call, Ikea...


  1. It's a lovely rug. They are very practical in that they don't show every spot and you can roll them up and take them to the cleaners. yours has gorgeous colors.

  2. Rofl- Ikea is like that isn't it? You go for 1 thing and walk out with several. The rug is lovely and timeless:)

  3. I do like your rug but then again I have a thing for persians! And as for Ikea...thank goodness the nearest one is 3 hours away although I can hear it calling me :)

  4. The rug is perfect for that space. Love its colour and texture

  5. Love your reading corner. It looks really cozy and inviting, I'd love to have a space like that in my apartment.
    The rug is really nice, great find!

  6. It fits in perfectly. Gosh how I wish we had Ikea in Tas - have to ly to Melb to go and then I can't get furniture in my bag to bring home. It's a disaster!

  7. Love it, perfect and if you spill your cup or tea or glass of red on it it won't show!

  8. As always Anita you have made an excellent love love!!! I want a rug for my lounge and can't decide on fluffy Flokati style...retro shag or something short...meanwhile my feet freeze. cheers Katherine

  9. I love it , what a nice find. Ikea is fun isn't it. My daughters take pictures in the displays as if they are sitting in thier own apartment or office...passers by think they are a little strange tho!!!

  10. great rug - and chania is right, they hide a multitude of crumbs and mess :)


  11. Love the rug - my husband wants one along the same line for our place! You may have to go to Ikea I think (for the non-slip mat) .... try not to get lost .... it's a great way to waste a day. I went last week and came out after 3.5 hrs with an "I've been to Ikea Headache" - so I don't need to do that again for another few months at least!! Michelle

  12. Love the rug Anita, good choice for your reading nook in the sun room. Nice pick up on ebay! I have not been too successful there.... I need an IKEA visit too. I want to get some of those coloured boxes for Jacobs room for all the endless little people and army men and leggo just goes on....

  13. I love your rug Anita. A little underfoot luxe is always fabulous!

  14. Great rug :)

    Johanna, Sweden


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