
Thursday 15 July 2010

Empty picture frames

op shop frames

I picked up three old picture frames when I was out and about this morning, so that I can frame some of Number One Son's art work. 

Nothing too fancy, as I'm sure what is on display will change depending on his tastes and art projects which grab his attention at school. 

The frames may get spray painted depending on final approval from His Nibs, because he is very particular.

If I get the green light, I will spray paint the frames (to a colour of his choice), crop his work to fit the frames and tape it on mount board. Hopefully, a simple and inexpensive way to add some personality to his new improved room.

Short listed work

An eight year old interpretation of the D Day landing a la Bayeux Tapestry. God bless him.


  1. Wow, that boy has talent! I really love the bespectacled man...I'd hang that in my house for sure!

  2. Wow, that is pretty good for an 8 year old, such detail - no stick figures for him! I see a budding artist on the horizon.

  3. He is one talented little boy! I am impressed with his ability and the detail in his work! I think it is a great idea to hang his fantastic work! xx

  4. Just as the others say, I'm v impressed by his shortlisted work. He certainly has an individual style and confidence beyond his age.

  5. I love kids art. I used to teach little ones and was always amazed at the beauty and humour they were capable of. :)

  6. What a clever artist, you may not be the only one to hang his work, his room is going to be awesome!

  7. Thanks everyone for the extra nice comments about #1 son's efforts. I read the comments out to him and his head inflated instantly!! xx

  8. He should sign them because they could be worth a fortune one day. His early works!

  9. Wow! Look at what your 8 year old can draw - don't think my child is that good! Have a great weekend :)

  10. For 8 he is a very good artist - make sure he keeps this up! All of these would look gorgeous on the wall. I particularly love the portrait. Watch out artworld ..... the boy has talent!! Can't wait to see them in situ. Have a great weekend. Michelle

  11. i love kids art, its the best. we have quite a few things around here, and people are often surprised that one of the boys did it!

    love the art you have there, awesome detail from your 8yr old!



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