
Thursday 13 January 2011

East Brisbane flood photos

My parents' street in East Brisbane.
Deep brown muddy water flooding the streets around Norman Creek. 

Real Park, East Brisbane under water.
This is where we take the children to play when we visit Mum
I grew up in East Brisbane and my parents are still in the same house where I grew up. Their house is fine. It is so sad to see homes near and around Norman Creek surrounded by so much water. Fortunately, the floods  were not as high as originally predicted. It could have been worse.


  1. Glad they are ok. It's been awful to watch.

  2. Happy to hear they're all safe and sound. So sad to see the news, it's quite unbelievable to watch. Take care, K xx

  3. Thank heaven for that.

  4. It is just unbelievable! So glad your parents are fine and the rooney clan too! we are all fine too. Love to you all xx katherine

  5. I just heard it wasn't as bad as predicted - good ting. Stay high and dry Bris!

  6. Glad you're parents are okay. Small mercies!

  7. I'm so relieved you're okay, Anita. It's so hard to get a perspective from so far away, to sort out what is happening where. Thanks for this update. J x

  8. so pleased your folks are okay Anita.

  9. I'm happy to hear that your parents are safe too especially knowing that you couldn't call them. Stay dry! x

  10. I guess your relief is mingled with sadness for all those that are suffering such loss.
    I can't seem to tear myself away from the TV. It's just so hard to absorb.
    Stay safe.

  11. Oh yeah - have you got your parents a mobile yet!

  12. Sorry abut your parents street, but glad the house is fine. So glad you and yours and your house are all fine. Was thinking about you. Hoping that all that excellent renovating wasn't going underwater.

  13. so happy to hear your parents are ok. just heartbroken from watching the ABC this evening.

  14. so sad seeing all the destruction on television and so glad your families home is safe. thanks for the pictures.

  15. I'm glad you and your family are okay. It's heartbreaking seeing the damage done by the floods. Stay safe x

  16. I've been thinking about you guys! Stay safe.

  17. glad you are safe... and your folks too. it sure is hard to watch some of the news footage
    ~laura xx

  18. Glad that you guys are okay and your Mum and Dad are safe.

    Take care. Pam x

  19. Good luck to everyone who will have to clean up. Thank goodness your family avoided the worst.

  20. Hi Anita,
    So pleased to learn your parents place is okay. It's all just so strange and surreal. I'm glad we can focus on clean up now and feeling alot more grateful in general.
    Sonia x

  21. I grew up in Walter Ave opposite Norman Creek (a hop skip and splash from the Clarendon St Photo you posted), I remember the 74 flood well especially the all pervasive stink from the mud that had coated all the yards, the creek banks and Reel Park. Even years later you could still smell it every time it rained.

    Robert N

  22. I live on the other side of the country but have been glued to the television, hoping and praying for Queensland as the flood waters hit. I've also found myself checking your blog regularly, reading your updates. I was so glad to learn you and your family are safe. Although, the clean up looks far from over for your beautiful state. Please take care, Pelé

  23. Happy to hear that you and your family are safe.

  24. Glad you were okay. There have been so many devastating images on the t.v. - it's really sad to see our beautiful city now so muddy after such a tragic event. The clean up is going to take a long time, and for some the worst is not over as they find they are uninsured. Our home was not flooded as we live on high ground - some friends were not so lucky though.
    I'm just so glad that many heartwarming stories are now coming through. Take care. Michelle

  25. I helped out the East Brisbane Community Centre yesterday for several hours yesterday putting together information packs for residence. They are doing an amazing job and are even going out as far as Indooroopilly to help people. It is amazing to see so many communities pulling together to help others.

  26. Aunty in Indooroopilly… not sure where you are in relation to that :( Pleased to know you're fine Anita.


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