
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Butterfly chairs, a birthday and thanks

Good news is always welcomed around here.

Colin the upholsterer from Barabas Upholstery contacted me last week to say that our Butterfly chair covers were finally finished. He delivered them on Friday morning and we couldn't be happier with the result.

I ended up choosing a teal green colour although I had originally wanted orange. The orange in the outdoor canvas range that Colin showed me was too red for my liking. The green works better, especially with the Giotto Stoppino tables.

The covers also have white contrasting binding for a crisper look...until they get dirty. Anyway, Colin did a great job and we can finally put both our chairs to good use on the deck.

The frames still need to be repainted but that will have to wait until a free weekend when I can do some sanding and rust proofing.

It is also this little boy's birthday. He's three today. We bought him some new shoes (that makes it sound like he's never had shoes before...he has had shoes, but he needed a new pair).

Barefooted Son #3 on the deck
Lastly I'd just like to thank everyone for their kind comments and lovely emails about Jason's Nana, Belle. Your words meant a lot to us. Thank you.


  1. First of all Happy happy Birthday to the big 3 year old! I hope he has had a great birthday.

    I also wanted to send my deepest sympathy to you all. I tried to leave a comment yesterday but had so many issues I just gave up. Belle sounded like a truly amazing lady and your tribute to her was just perfect.

    I guess you are probably busy being a party Mamma today...does son no# 3 like "pwofitawole" cakes too?

    Take care and my very best wishes always,

  2. Happy Birthday to No.3! I hope he has a fun day. Whenever I received new shoes as a child I would always take them to bed with me. I just loved new thngs :)
    The chairs look fab, very swish!

  3. You will know that those shoes are a hit if he wants to wear them to bed!!! LOL. Happy birthday No. 3...

  4. Oh the chairs look great, very happy with chosen colour! Happy Birthday big 3 year old. Have a fun day! ;-)

  5. I'm loving that teal green on the chairs...very cool. Happy birthday to your little man too, 3 is such a cute age :)

  6. Those butterfly chairs are damn gorgeous. Happy Birthday little one and so sorry about Nanna. A-M xx

  7. Love the colour of your chairs. They are fabulous, your upholsterer has done an excellent job!
    Shoes are a great present. Like Sarah, I remember a pair of red leather sandals I slept in. Happy birthday Mr Three. How cute!

  8. Happy Birthday to Mr Three! Shoes are the perfect gift 'cos they can be worn and looked at all day. Great green chairs too!

  9. Happy Birthday to your beautiful gorgeous he is. So sorry to hear about Jasons Nana she sounds like she was a truly amazing lady. XOX

  10. Great chairs Anita, Colin the upholsterer has done a great job. Happy Birthday MR 3 year old. I bet you have as much fun with the box as with the shoes!

  11. The chairs look brilliant! I wouldn't worry about the orange ... the green look fabulous.

    Happy Birthday Son #3. Being three. He's so cute! I don't think I've really seen him before. A pair of shoes is a great present because sometimes kids can have too many toys.

    Shoes for everyone, Santa!

  12. Your butterfly chairs look great...I love the colour you chose,

  13. Chairs look great, love the orange tables. Number 3 birthday boy looks pretty pleased with just the box. Do we get a photo of the birthday shoes, perhaps on? Maybe when he is asleep in bed....

  14. Happy Birthday cutie pie!

    The green suits the chairs and looks great with your orange tables.

  15. They are beautiful, a perfect shade of teal against the cool white. And shoes are so important to young children; they are somehow more personal to them than clothes.

  16. Great blog you have there

  17. Happy Birthday Son #3! You are so cute! Love your chairs too by the way.

  18. Happy B-Day wishes are in order!

    Love the chairs. Great job. They look so crisp.

  19. deck party at your place ! happy birthday #3
    have a good week
    ~laura xx

  20. Number three son is pretty cute! Hope he enjoyed his birthday.

    Love the colour of those chairs.

    Pam x

  21. Even during sad times, great joy can be found.

    Such a thing happened to me today. Let me explain.

    I was working on the Northside and who should be working on site but Wazza! It was the first I had seen of him since the’ great chandelier debacle of 2011’

    The sledging he received was both cruel and merciless.

    Started out singing to the tune of ‘Mr Tambourine Man’

    “Hey mister chandelier man – come hang a light for me”

    After a while, just whistling the tune would set him off.

    Of course banter such as:
    “Can you please pass me a chandelier – err – I meant hammer”
    Was par for the course.

    “Hey Wazza, I’m finished with this chewing gum, do you think you can use it on your next chandelier installation job?”
    Was one of the highlights.

    In the end he was sitting in the corner hugging his knees and rocking back and forth like an orphaned Romanian refugee.

    It was tops!

    PS: Happy birthday Woob.

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Son number 3. I bet you had the best day! I hope you can run super fast and jump extra high in your new shoes. (This used to be the test of a good shoe in my house ha) The chairs look fantastic !! Is their new home on the deck or you just took the picture there? I do like them there but have always loved them out the front too. Mr Rooney you are as wise as you are funny, and slightly cruel, poor Wazza. cheers Katherine

  23. What an inviting spot on the deck, the colours look so lovely together. Sorry to here about the passing of Belle, I lost my Aussie Nanna when I was twelve so you are all so fortunate to have had her company for as long as you did-amazing! Happy Birthday #3,enjoy those shoes.

  24. Thanks for all of your lovely wishes for Son #3. He had a good day and his shoes are a hit. Thanks also for the kind comments about Nana.

    Natasha, no pwofitewoles, just devil's food cake. Appropriate, no?

    Mr Rooney, best laugh I had today. Poor Wazza.

    Katherine, the chairs will stay on the deck for now. I just have to work out what to do in the front entry...

  25. Happy birthday to number 3. Lord knows what you need shoes for in Qld though - it's too hot!!!
    Love the butterfly chairs - just perfect for beer o'clock and I see that you have just the right number of tables for the empties!!! Brown Midas day - I'll keep that one up my sleeve for a later date too. Miss Aussie sometimes, especially when I read your blog Anita.
    Condolences for the lovely Belle (Nana). Know what that's like :(
    Sending some sunflower yellow thoughts your way

  26. The chairs look great. I love the green. Hope the birthday boy liked his new shoes. Ange

  27. Love the chairs and the shoe idea. You're on a roll!


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