
Monday 23 May 2011

Faux Fascia

The weekend saw more work being completed on our deck.

Earlier this year we installed an insulated ceiling on the deck but it had not been finished off. Jason and Mr Rooney, our happy builder, set to finishing what they had started - adding a new fascia board and new cornice pieces to the deck.

The white board is the faux facsia.

Mr Rooney putting the fascia board in place.

The fascia is a false one because the original is still there. Lowering the ceiling profile meant that the rain guttering and facsia needed to be moved; to make it look like it had always been there. It finishes off the work nicely.
Number 1 Son has a penchant for wearing hi-vis vests when helping.
Rain gutter and fascia completed

Jason who is recovering from man-flu had an accident-prone day on Saturday. He hit his head violently in the same spot three times, paint fell into his eyes, he dropped a cordless drill from the deck, he fell down the back steps and the kids were getting on his nerves.

Mr Rooney said Jason was having a Brown Midas day...everything he touched turned to sh*t. Beer o'clock couldn't come soon enough for poor old Jason.

Three sons and a tyre swing

The best part of the weekend for our children was the addition of a dirty old tyre and a piece of rope to hang from the mango tree; endless hours of amusement for the three boys.


  1. You do get those weekends when nothing goes right. In the end though it does look good and he can look at it and be pleased just like the colour bond adds. lol. Hope he enjoyed a few coldies at the end of the day. Nice work. ;-)

  2. Gotta love those brown Midas days :)
    It's looking great but how much fun is the good old tyre swing? A lovely addition to the yard!

  3. Are you sure it didn't rub off on Jason from Wazza? Your verandah looks great..but the paint now looks brown for the trim not black..what colour is the real deal? I like the brown too, by the way.

  4. Hi Carol, the trim is brown. It's called peppercorn rent by Dulux. The house is going to be painted white with a contrasting dark brown trim for the all the top rails, window sills and guttering. We are keeping the contrast to a minimum. xx

  5. Poor Jason, must be all these months of having to work fully clothed have affected his mojo. Deck is looking great, tyre swing is the best- we have one as well and it gets a real workout- ours the tyre is horizontal so 3 can fit at once. melx

  6. The more I see of that deck the more I love it. Is Mr Rooney a Van Morrison fan, for if he is no doubt he'd be telling Jason 'there'd be days like this!'

  7. Ah boys, so easy to please... and old tyre, a soccer ball, a stick... anything outside makes them happy. A-M xx

  8. Sometimes you've gotta know when to hang up the hammer for the day.
    I just want to thank you too, for supporting my blog from the start, means allot to me. :)

  9. All I can see are Mr. Rooney's muscles.

  10. Aahh,'re torn between laughing and feeling sorry for them on days like that. Your deck looks very cool, love your work! Thanks for following my blog, too.

  11. Oh dear, poor Jason. Isn't it a pain when paint gets in your eyes and the kids get on your nerves on the same day! I think Bungalow might be right though...get the shirt off Jason!

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Happy week and best wishes always,

  12. I initially thought Mr Rooney was doing chin-ups.

    So much Aussie vernacular emanating from the VJ's house!

  13. Brown Midas.... I love it so funny. Poor Jason though that's not funny. Love the tyre swing.

  14. Classic, I love the Brown Midas and Faux Fasia, very good Anita.

  15. Our boys made a swing with a piece of wood and a rope this weekend. The oldest one warned the younger to "watch his goolies". Poetic isn't it. Your boys look like they are having a ball.

  16. The house is looking amazing. Nothing like a good tyre swing. I think I had a Brown Midas day yesterday. The best thing about some days is bedtime!

  17. You know, at some point you're going to look around, and everything will be done! then Jason can stop banging his head.

  18. loving the idea of a mango tree !
    nice butt shot on the roof there too
    ~pooch xx

  19. Kids, a mango tree and tyre swing... very cool.

  20. You always seem to achieve so much each week in your house. I need your drive and determination. Things have really slowed here at the CC. Might have to crack the whip this weekend! Ange


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