
Monday 27 June 2011

The back of the linen cupboard

The things you find when you are cleaning up the linen cupboard...

I had an organising bug and de-cluttered the linen cupboard and some of our wardrobes.

Linen cupboard

And I found this old embroidered lace bedspread I bought on sale from David Jones about 16 years ago. I know. It's so girly and fussy - not something that would be normally associated with this blog!

white on white embroidered bedspread

I've used it about twice in the time that I've owned it and had quite forgotten about it. Yesterday it had an outing.

I left the drab Italian military blanket on the bed and placed the white on white embroidered bedspread on top, tucking in the sides. I really like the look of it in our room. (I didn't ask what Jason thought).

Maybe I'm turning shabby chic?

Maybe the reason the bedspread is never used is because I should iron it...ha!


  1. Oh love finding new old bedlinen!! I'm finding good use of beautiful/ expensive linen making a revival on my children's beds. Can't wait to have a guest room to use amazing linen & all the matching accessories like the pillow shams & things i shamefully can't be bothered to use. Love Posie

  2. Love the bedspread, it's a classic so it will always look good regardless of age.

  3. I love the bedspread.

    I think Jason'll love it too!

  4. You are amazing Anita, girly and fussy manages to look funky and cool in your bedroom! It is good Jason, knows his place when it comes to soft furnishings ;)

  5. LOVE the bedspread you rediscovered!! It looks great with your dark blanket showing through - gorgeous!! I've been tidying and sorting through our linen cupboard this weekend too :)

  6. You have a gorgeous bedspread! I don't think it's fussy at all. Love it.

  7. I agree with Amanda - i think it's the dark blanket underneath that balances out the fussiness. As for the ironing - I think it looks like ones of those pieces that you spend an age ironing and once it's back on the bed you can't even tell! (Can you tell that irons and I are not the best of friends!) xx

  8. I love white, and I love the bedspread. I don't think it's too fussy. More simple and timelessly elegant.

  9. I love looks amazing...isn't it great to find something like this!

  10. Very nice, looks great. Nothing wrong with something girly once in a while.

  11. I think it looks great! I bought a Marcella (I think that's the word) bedspread for our queen size bed just before we bought a new mattress & now it doesn't fit properly because we bought a goddam *#*#ing pillowtop mattress. How I hate that mattress! Next time we move I'm going to take a big knife to it ;-)

  12. I like it! Maybe it's army chic.

  13. Had there been a 'Who Owns This Linen Cupboard?' contest on the internet, I'd have guessed you like a shot for this one and won a car. I'm a bit sad about not winning a car, but delighted to admire that barely feminine lacy look you've achieved.

  14. Now I think its not the shabby chic in you girly but the boho chic in you. I think it looks cool, Kristen would carry on about the texture, he hates anything with a frill or a ruffle or lace etc simply because of the texture. Thanks for your wishes about Lotte, home now and all looking good. xx Katherine

  15. It looks fantastic on your bed Anita. I would hate to think what is at the back of my linen cupboard!

    Pam x

  16. Looks lovely and it's not too girly.It's nice to have a change in winter,isn't it?

  17. I love this bedspread getting a new outing!


  18. It really brightens the room and looks amazing with those windows! I can't believe it's been hidden away all those years..I suppose the upside is that it wasn't worn out years still looks fresh and new.

  19. Thanks for stopping by earlier - your parents chocolate brown Japanese stoneware bowls sound fab.

    I like what you've done with the bedspread - it looks great with the blanket peeking through.

    Your home is looking really beautiful xx

  20. I am really liking that bedspread with the olive green underneath. Do not give in to the ironing concept or that bedspread will own you. I prefer it un-ironed anyway, much more textural. Throw that word around a bit more. melx

  21. Love the bedspread and think it does look shabby chic unironed - but in a good way. x

  22. Oh - you're making me feel guilty! Just this morning I looked in our linen cupboard and thought I need to give it an overhaul....easier said than done though!

    PS: Love the bedspread...


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