
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Advice for Tim and Julia - renovating The Lodge

The Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard and her partner Tim are moving out of The Lodge due to major repairs required on the ageing building. Read about it HERE.

The Lodge is the official residence of the PM in Canberra and was built in 1927 - so it's about the same age as our house, The Sow's Ear. Who knew Julia and I had so much in common?

Julia and Tim at The Lodge

But, Julia, Julia, Jooliah! How disappointed we are in you and Tim...

Didn't you watch The Block and see the Sisters renovate their dilapidated house in eight weeks? Guys, do you really need to move out?  Will it really take 18 months?

Listen up. D I Y. Three simple letters. It's the new black in these austere times.

I'd say the taxpayer would be happy paying for a couple of port-a-loos for out the back of The Lodge. We're a generous-hearted lot and sympathise with your renovating dilemmas. Anyway, aren't there showers in Parliament House? Surely you could do your bit for the country and shower at work.

The back view of The Lodge
Seriously, you guys need to suck it up, stay at The Lodge during the renos and save Australia some major dollars.

Now Tim, I know your background is not in the building game, but I reckon you could duck into Bunnings and get a nail bag and a few tools...You'd look great and the lads at the CFMEU would be so proud. You could get Julia a pink nailbag for when you re-slate the roof together.

Can you hear that? The PR people at those new Masters hardware stores are on to it. Matching his and her nail bags. You two could be the face of the new hardware chain. Think about being set-up for life after Julia leads the nation. You just never know when that could happen...just ask Kevin.

Sign at The Lodge
I heard Channel Nine are canning The Block and replacing it with a new renovating show called The Lodge. There will be eight couples doing renovation battles. How to use Julia's portrait as the 'Hero' of the room is one of the challenges being mooted. It could be a ratings winner.

And you know what? Mr Rooney, our favourite thinking builder, is in Canberra as I type this post. Drop me a line and I'll send you his details. He's done a top job on our house and he could probably give you a little bit of policy advice to pass on to Julia. (Please be aware, he uses sustainable plantation timber where possible because he has a soft spot for the orangutans in Borneo.)

Really, there is so much information about renovating houses out there, Julia and Tim. I know your place is heritage listed and all but there's lots of DIY you could tackle by yourself with a little help from the blogging community. There's Desire to Inspire, Remodelista and Design Sponge - you don't have to feel alone during your renos.

But really you should start by following Fun and VJs. Hope to see your face on my sidebar. Okay?


  1. I was thinking almost exactly the same thing when I heard about moving out for 18mths, though I hope they have laid thought to the fact that they may not be moving back in...

    I'm sure they could have a few DIY parties, open up the pool for a swim afterwards and it would be done in a lot less than 18mths.

  2. Touche, Anita. I think the whole nation is behind you on this one.

    Jennifer xx

  3. Oh too true Helen. A few BBQs and working bees would do the trick.

    It could even be a global effort when the heads of state visited. Barack could get on the tools while David Cameron could fix the leaky roof...xx

  4. You snuck in there Jennifer. Yep, they should definitely get stuck into their renos. xx

  5. Maybe as well as Mr Rooney you could loan them Jason for a week or two? He would have to keep his shirt on though.
    18 months is a long large renovation - Helen is right, what if they don't actually get to move back in at the end of it all?

  6. They should send Jason into The Lodge - that we we could all save a few bucks and have a good laugh at the same time (for the next year or so).

  7. The lodge looks fine to me, not even a whiff of tuscan peach to be seen. I think a reality renovation tv show where strangers get to makeover a room each would be fab to watch though. melx

  8. I agree - this one has Reality TV written all over it!

  9. can't comment.... still laughing! Reno drama series..... you add the cheque noughts!!!!

  10. They have open days every so often at The Lodge and a few years ago our family went through it. I'd love to live there..I don't know why she didn't wait 'til nearer the end of her time there and squeeze every last moment out of the experience. Funny though, that it took a woman PM to actually get around to doing something there..not just talking about it!

  11. Now couldn't Julia learn a thing or two from you and me......

  12. You are too funny! They should definitely take your advice.

  13. Once upon a time Julia was an ambulance chasing lawyer with Slater and Gordon.

    I've found that they actually go all right in the reno caper.

    She'd have to keep her shirt on though.

  14. They should get members of the Opposition to redecorate it for them.

  15. MMMC, I could only imagine what the Opposition would do to make it cosy for Julia and Tim.

    Mr Rooney, good to hear from you. Yes, she'd be a pretty renovator then. But she'd get more votes if she did the shirtless caper.

    Carol, of course it takes a woman to get things done!(But not around here though!). xx

  16. I'd be happy to hire them a caravan to park out the back of the lodge - they are pretty luxurious these days. They would be hardly there except to sleep or you know :) !
    My caravan has it all !

  17. Thanks for stopping by Jen Jen !! xx


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