
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Murano chandelier...third time lucky?

Okay, deep breath. Typing this blog post has probably just jinxed the newly installed Murano chandelier in the dining room...

You see, this chandelier installation caper has been plagued with issues for the past 12 months. If you are new to this blog, you may not know that the first attempt was aborted because Carlo the electrician said there were no earth wires and the metal chandelier could become live if it was installed. Read about it here. I suppose, it was probably a good thing to find out.

The second attempt was a few months later after we had the lights earthed (this was a biggish job which meant taking the flat roof off the sunroom). Wazza the electrician, Carlo's colleague, was in charge that day and he installed the chandelier. It was just gorgeous. However, within 36 hours the chandelier crashed down with spectacular effect while I was seated at the dining table. WAZZA!!

You can read about it here. It is actually one of the funniest posts with the funniest comments. Fortunately I have a sense of humour. Jason, not so much.

Carlo and Wazza were utterly mortified when they heard what had happened and were extremely apologetic, offering to reinstall the light and pay for the broken crystals. I really didn't have the heart to be a bitch about the whole thing - it wasn't like they wanted it to fall. They have always done a good job for us with all our other electrical jobs at the Sow's Ear too. All I can say is accidents do happen.

Anyway, the chandelier had me completely spooked and I was debating (with my inner self) to abandon the whole chandelier business and find a less complicated light or something Danish. I let it rest for a few months until my courage returned.

And return it did (sorry to Anonymous Natalie who thinks this light is fugly). Carlo came back yesterday to hook up the chandelier. He was determined to make this attempt a success. I asked him if he was sure it would definitely hold this time around.

 "She'll be right," Carlo said confidently.

I retorted: "That's what Wazza said!"

Retro chandelier with Murano dragon's tears crystals

Look at the lovely shadow it casts on the ceiling.

The chandelier has been up for over 24 hours and so far, so good, as I cross myself.  Every so often, I glance at it tentatively; it makes me so nervous. If it falls, there won't be a fourth attempt.


  1. Have you sat at the table though? Surely it'll stay put this time. I had a similar experience with a clothes dryer. It kept falling off the wall.

    TDM xx

    ps got a registered mail slip today, addressed to distressed mother. lol wonder what i'll use for id to collect it.

  2. OMG OMG OMG - dying for .... in love ... desire .... hanging from the ceiling ... needs a warning - like staring at the sun :) le xox

  3. I like it. It's big and sparkly. I'm a fan.

    Why hasn't Jason "liked" my FB page?

    love me x

  4. That is so gorgeous. It really is. I hope you're not considering it as a fixture, and that it can move where you move. Some philistines just wouldn't appreciate its beauty. (I have Marimekko blinds that follow me wherever I go.)

    It really is stunning and worth all the carbon tax it generates.

  5. Oh the light effect is fabulous. Do you have one of those OH&S signs in your home that says "x Days Since Lighting Disaster" as you've also had lamp mishaps.
    Your adventures in renovating are so much fun. Love Posie

  6. There, you have triumphed magnificently over adversity, Anita. Would you want to move those candlesticks, just in case?

    Also, why hasn't Jason "liked" my FB page? I don't actually have one, but still I'm perplexed that he hasn't liked it.

  7. Meant to mention the comment about the chandelier being fugly, ouch. I get a lot of hate mail about dill, yep, the herb, go figure. I put it on everything, just to show off my fantastic crop in the garden this year. I guess it's pick your poison with bloggers & what they like or choose to loathe?? Love Posie

  8. Oh thanks Le and TDM. I'm waiting for Anonymous Natalie to tell me her thoughts.

    FF, Jason told me to tell you he doesn't know how to use facebook (which is very true), but assures you he would if he could. xx

  9. Anita, I think your chandelier is one of the loveliest light fittings I've ever seen. Boo to Anonymous Natalie. I mean that in a nice way :)

  10. Oh Posie, I've been lucky not to get many negative or abusive comments. I actually like Anonymous Natalie - not everyone will like everything we choose to do and that's okay with me. Viva la difference.

    Thanks MMMC, yep it's a traveller unless it falls down again...

    Mise, if you have an imaginary Facebook account I'm sure Jason would like you too, if he used his imaginary social media skills.xx

  11. Thanks Kerry! I'm glad you like it. xx

    Nelly, I know. I keep looking at it from the corner of my eye. Waiting. xx

  12. Fingers crossed (though I would dearly like to be at the dinner party when it descends onto the meat-loaf).

  13. Huge fan of the chandelier, it's gorgeous.

    Although, like Tom I would like to be at a dinner party if it fell. (My parents had a dinner party once where a guest's antique chair just slowly fell apart. The front legs slowly slid forward and the back legs slowly slid back.)

    Your house is looking fantastic.

  14. Tom, it'll probably fall on the pavlova during dessert is my prediction.

    Thanks Farmer's Wife! Our chairs are getting on too...I'm going to have to organise a dinner party just to tempt fate. xx

  15. Have spent a most enjoyable half hour reading your post and the previous links. O.M.G. Hillarious! Love Mr Rooney; he sounds like my hubby and I quite like Natalie's honesty too! Personally, I think the fitting is gorgeous and the new golden drops add an extra sparkle and oomph! Love reading your posts, trials and tribulations!
    x KL

  16. That chandy is gorgeous! We wouldn't want another broken item of the week for that beauty.

  17. I think your perseverance has served you well and it looks fantastic - again. I am sure it has extra sturdy supports in the ceiling and you can relax and just enjoy it. I love the shadow it throws, very pretty. ;-)

  18. 3rd time lucky! So worth the wait!! Absolutely Beautiful... I LOVE it!!!!

  19. good to see the stunner up in full glory again. touching wood as we speak. Sure it will be fine this time!!

    And loving the MC tour, those places are killer.


  20. Worth ALL the drama I'd say. It is beautiful. I love it and I hope it stays put this time. Fingers crossed x

  21. I love it. I went back and read your earlier post about this and almost fell off my chair laughing at Mr Rooney's comments. I am sure that history will not repeat itself and that this will be third time lucky x

  22. It's all very pretty but would you do me the small favour of just moving that crystal out from under it...just in case?!

  23. I liked it on the first attempt, really liked it on the second, and on this third attempt, I am really LOVING that light fixture.

  24. You're a very, very brave lady Brismod!

    If I had all those lighting mishaps that you've had I would think that Zoila was trying to tell you something!

  25. It is beautiful. I hope it stays up.

  26. I love it, It is very upside down fountainsih. And really just yells party!

  27. Well I'm not Anonymous Natalie - I'm Locations Scout Natalie - and I'm loving the chandelier action! 3rd Time Lucky..... Bellisimo!

  28. I'm sure it'll survive this time... Cross fingers :)

  29. I'm always late on reading the really big news ! It is so so so fantastic fingers and toes crossed. Xx

  30. OH NO !!! YOU DIDN'T DID YOU ??? Please tell me you are playing a joke and you are posting the same photos from before. If not, I have nothing more to say ... you obviously can't be helped.

    Anonymous Natalie

    P.S. I'm happy if you are happy ... that's all that matters (but that is still the ugliest light I have ever seen ... sorry ... couldn't help myself) xx

  31. Ha! You're a classic, Anonymous Natalie! And I'm a lost cause. If it falls down again I'll get your advice for the replacement so it meets with your approval, okay? xx

    And thanks for keeping your fingers crossed everyone. I did move all the crystal on the table btw!! xx

  32. Am starting to question my taste now ... just read FFs comments and she loves it ... I normally love her style so maybe I'm wrong. I just had another look at the photos ... nope still hate it. Sorry ... but that doesn't mean I'm right ... it is an artistic piece and as they say art is subjective. My sister in law loves Murano glass and is a collector of it ... I'll show her the photos ... she, like all your followers will love it I'm sure.

    Anonymous Natalie

  33. Love the chandelier - it's absolutely gorgeous! Good luck with it...

  34. Is anonymous Natalie actually Jason trying to tell you he's not a big fan??? Just a thought...

  35. It looks awesome! I'dfeel a bit nervous sitting at the table though knowing its history :)

  36. i know its been a while since you posted on this blog so im hoping youre still looking in on it, i was lucky enough to score a whole chandelier - complete with all the glass, mine also has a ring of facetted glass with the dropps hanging off it on the inside ring of drops closest to the light bulbs, just arranging a sparky to come put it up for me - fingers crossed!!


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