
Tuesday 3 January 2012

2012 plans

A lot was achieved on the Sow's Ear last year.

The master bedroom and sunroom were completely renovated,

Master bedroom finished earlier this year.
below are the sunroom shots

two new window hoods were reinstated on the side of the house,

this is the hood over the window of the back bedroom

a bookshelf was custom built in the study by Jason DIY Inc.,

Study bookshelves. This is one of the last rooms yet to be completed. It is like the study/junk room at the moment. Scary!

the deck was given a new insulated ceiling which has worked a treat on really hot days,

It is finally painted but I can't show you just yet as there are a few final things to be done
and the biggest achievement of all...the exterior of the Sow's Ear was painted...over the span of a year.
This of course has had the biggest impact in terms of the appearance of the Sow's Ear. She's emerging from the swine to the divine...ha! Corny puns are my forte!

(but believe it or not, there is still a lot of painting to do under the house like the deck joists etc. It seriously is never ending),

Jason finished painting the back stairs and oiled the treads. They look too good to use!
So, onwards and forward in 2012.

I've been given a list for timber supplies. Jason's getting jiggy with the circular saw this January. He's thinking decorative valances for around the deck. He loves his architectural bling!

2012 will also see the removal of the asbestos cladding under the house which will be replaced with weatherboards. A big undertaking...for the weekend warrior.

A new front fence is on the books too. I've selected the style which I like and which is in-keeping with 1920s era of the Sow's Ear. Jason is not keen to tackle this job by himself, so it will be outsourced early this year.

We also have the quandary of our side stairs which still need to be finished...Mr Rooney, our intrepid builder, if you care to have a working holiday in Queensland you are welcome to visit the Sow's Ear at your leisure.

The study is also on the hit list to be renovated. This means repairing the window frames, copious amounts of paint and a major cull of our junk!

Oh and the bathroom. The bathroom is on the wish list too.

That should keep us out of mischief. Gotta love a project to work on.

Happy Days for 2012!


  1. You guys have certainly achieved a lot and your home is looking soooooo good.

    I particularly love the way Jason has finished the back stairs. Mmmmm may have to copy that one! x

  2. Great progress shots. What a lot of achievements you made with the house in 2011. Your list for 2012 sounds ambitious but with Jason's motivation I'm sure you'll achieve it all. Happy renovating! Ange

  3. Bring back the Roonster! I want to see a fence.

  4. I get exhausted just reading about all that you've achieved. I barely managed the first coat of my bedroom window trims today before I had to go and have a lie down! Well done on absolutely all looks wonderful : )

  5. Your progress is very inspiring and looks like a busy year ahead. Those stairs are too good, send the kids down the front ones I reckon. melx

  6. well done guys - I know a reasonable brisbane based fencer if you want a name :) best le xox

  7. Hi Anita

    I've loved keeping up with all of your reno updates (shirt or no-shirt :)

    and here is to a great and successful 2012 for you, Jason (aka hunk man), and the children.

    (ps: the old spice man has nothing on Mr J)

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, from hereiamloulou blog


  8. Lots done. You are workers, that's for sure. Sounds like this year is going to be a big one too. Happy New Year! A-M xx

  9. We all need to see Mr Rooney, please. That Jason is sure an eager beaver.

  10. You have a beautiful home, really ..... but more improvements make for great reading! Wishing you and your delightful home all the very best for 2012!

  11. Hello.
    How fabulous is the blog for giving you a photographic memory of what you've achieved. SO MUCH!!
    Look forward to seeing all the new goings-on this year; and Jason's architectural bling creations.
    Happy New Yr! x

  12. I am in your city now & walk the dog further & further each night eye balling all the amazing architecture & designs, the colours people use, the renovated & the unloved versions of Queenslanders . . . fascinating!! Who needs an iPod when they have houses to keep them entertained.
    Such amazing work & detail, the stairs are total success, love Posie

  13. Brisbane summers could kill a man.

    I think I'm acclimatised to the cold now.

    I've got something on in SEQ in July.

    Maybe we can work something out?

  14. Hey Mr Rooney. Happy New Year. You're locked in for around July! xx


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