
Thursday 9 February 2012

Retro kids clothes (or why my kids look like David Cassidy)

I swear my Mum keeps everything. When I went to visit her this morning I received a huge bag of  retro kids clothes. They used to belong to my brothers who are all in their early to late 40s.

I always take anything that Mum decides to part with (even if I don't want it) as she needs to declutter. It's my filial duty to help her.

So I dived into the bag to see what treasures she wanted to bestow on  her grandsons. Man did I giggle. I just can't recall my brothers looking like public servants from the Whitlam administration...Mum said the clothes were mostly bought in Myer and they are in very good condition given their age.

Below you will see my boys are modelling their new old clothes. They were genuinely excited to get some clothes... they didn't even care that the clothes were about 40 years old; there was no judgement.  Too funny. Note to self: buy your kids more clothes.

So, if you are in Brisbane and spot a trio of boys who look like they escaped a Partridge Family cult, that'll be us.

purple flared jeans in brush cotton and polyester cotton shirt with stiff pointed collar. This is called the flamingo pose according to our model.

Most of the pants have the permanent press. This is son number 2 channelling Travolta in his early years

Son number 1 vying for Australia's next top model with this pose. High -waisted flared pants.
By far my most favourite part of the fashion parade was the vintage swimming trunks. Check out these belted beauties. They are actually very cool and I would hazard a guess that no one else at the school swimming carnival will have the same pair...

vintage swimming shorts

Anyway, what should I do with all these retro kids clothes? With the other retro clothes Mum has passed on I just fold them up and put them in the boys' wardrobe.

And more often than not, I've had the 'WTF? moment' of being greeted by the sight of miniature David Cassidys when the boys dress themselves in the morning...



  1. Too funny!! Gotta love mothers! My husband had the purple arrangement in a 'shorts' version, circa 1975! Will look out for them on the streets. Sure to turn a few heads!

  2. HA! HA! Please let me be the first to comment.

    1) I'd be dressing them in these clothes EVERY WEEKEND! They look SO SMART!

    2) I love how your Mum non-chalantly has a bag of retro clothes to give her grandsons! What a perfect grandmother!

    3) Flamingo pose?!

    This is the funniest thing I've read since Deb broke something.

  3. Very cute, very funny! That is nearly a 'blue steele' pose. I have a 6yo that pulls that pose off any time of the day if asked!!

  4. Those swimming trunks or togs deserve to be framed. I think they would look very cool framed, more so than at the school swimming carnival.

    C'mon get happy!

    Jennifer xx

  5. Keep them! Or at least the ones that are made of cotton rather than polyester. The boys look ever so funky-smart and the girls in their classes will be queueing up with Valentine cards for them.

  6. Maybe your boys could start an indie band, they've got the perfect gear!

  7. I would put them on Ebay. Maybe a wardrobe person will pick them up for a movie. The bather....maybe I'd keep that...vintage womens bathers are popping up framed all over the place. Check out Velvet and Linen blog...she sells them in her shop.

  8. If you hung those flamingo smugglers in a sports shop somebody would pay $50 for them and call them 'funky'!
    Make their next party a 70's daggy dancing disco and get those threads stayin' alive!

  9. You and that MMMC! My mum saved all my clothes too. My older daughter wore them everywhere and now she loves anything from the sixties and seventies.

  10. They look great! Wear 'em! Mix them up with today's gear and they will be the coolest kids on the block. 70's is back anyway isn't it? A-M xx

  11. I will try not break into song if I spot your boys. The flamingo pose..what a scream!
    It's a dilemma though isn't it when we are faced with decisions on whether to keep or toss this retro stuff?

  12. Too divine for words... Why no model in the swimming trunks? LOL!

  13. They must be the coolest kids on the blok! Good old mum!

  14. I would keep them, they're family classics! Maybe one day your boys, boys will pose for their Grannie in them :)

  15. Oh gosh, your kids are darn lucky!

  16. Funny story: my eldest brother visited (he lives out of town) last night, haven't seen him in a year and I pulled out the retro threads. "Hang on a minute. Those clothes look familiar. They're my clothes. What the?"
    "We used to be really well-dressed kids, you know. It was Dad who used to buy all our clothes...!"

  17. What a blast from the past. Too funny. Did they score any platforms shoes to go with them?

    TDM xx

  18. After you finish renovating, get the boys to do some 70's poses & take the photos a bit blurry & colour poor, play pretend other eras & use them if you ever sell, so say you've brought it back from it's middle age glory too. So authentic.
    Gosh they are in great condition, do they smell like moth balls, as my mother shoved naphthlene flakes in everything, even the children say the smell reminds them of Grandma, bless her, she was also huge on fly spray!!
    Love hte memories, love Posie

  19. All you need now is the yellow school bus & a cranky side kick to be Mr Kincaide ... oh hang on, you do have that ... Jase without a/c in the car ;-)

    C'mon get happy!

  20. Cute poses! :D These won’t get wasted for sure. Retro colors are starting to be a fad again at present, so it would be fine for them to wear old models and will still look well-dressed. Plus, classic cotton shirts never really go out of style. They can be an outfit applicable for all occasions of these guys. Just be a little more careful with their hair dos. ;D

    Jerri Washam


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