
Saturday 4 February 2012

Vintage hospital beds

It's that time of the year again  - kerbside collection!!

We spent the morning putting out our hard rubbish for the local council's kerbside collection. And what we put out was really rubbish. We're feeling very cleansed after the big effort.

So, tonight I've been browsing on eBay. Yes, don't worry, the irony of this is not lost on me. What goes out must come back in for the consummate hoarder.

But look what I found...It's this really cool hospital bed.

Image courtesy Moderni Designs on ebay
Image courtesy Moderni Designs on ebay
For some reason this really appeals to me. It would make a great spare bed or kid's bed. Sadly, we have no need for it at the Sow's Ear, but maybe someone out there ends tomorrow night.

Imagine how authentic your hospital corners would look on this bed. The photos have been styled extremely well too by the people of Moderni Designs.

There is also another antique Queensland Hospital bed on eBay at the moment. This one is very Florence Nightingale style. I can see it in an old rambling Queenslander with high ceilings and whitewashed floors. I'd be tempted by this one as well if we were in the market for beds.

Sorry the photo here is tiny but it was all I could manage. Just go to the link in the caption to see a larger photo.

Image from here
I'd never really thought about hospital beds for the home before. Hospital medical chic? What do you think? 


  1. I like it. Particularly with the gray blanket.

    Old country hospitals often have store sheds with old gear. May be worth contacting one and seeing if you could get a genuine one - they sometimes sell them off to fund raise. I think city hospitals have less room to store old stuff.

  2. These beds looks great: so hardy and minimal, just looking at them makes me want to put half my belongings out for kerbside collection. This is a look I like: Hollingsworth bed painting

  3. There's a bloke near Toowoomba who does-up old hospital beds. We bought one from him for my eldest. It's very sturdy and will last forever. I'd recommend one to anyone. Just make sure the spring part has been strengthened. Stuartholme used to have crappy old hospital beds for its boarders.

  4. It's so funny that you posted about this today, because Nambour Hospital was having a massive garage sale to empty their warehouses - they where selling hundreds of hospital beds! Give them a call tommorow, they might have some left.

  5. Nope, no way I could live with those. My imagination just wouldnt stop.

  6. Wouldn't it look great in a Queenslander!... in a sleep out! A-M xx

  7. I love it. So industrial. My fav style at the moment. Love the cushion "No Standing".

  8. What a cute bed and you're right, the styling is excellent.
    I like the idea of my kids beds having wheels, as I seem to be always pulling them about, cleaning or looking for things under them.
    If I had one I'd paint it canary yellow or fire engine red.

  9. PS - You had me a little melancholy for Brisbane curbside collections. I hope you can find something to fill my collection void.

  10. Thanks everyone.
    I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for them now.

    Sarah, yep I know what you mean - it crossed my mind too but then most of my furniture is second hand. I try not to think who about has shagged on my sofa!

    Mise, I love that image.

    Sonia, so far it's been rubbish for kerbside collection.

    MMMC, how cool that your daughter has an ex-hospital bed. xx

  11. Love the styling in the photos, interesting bed - hope you win!


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