
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Op shops and getting into some studio pottery

I've got the op shop bug at the moment. I blame my friend S who does a weekly run to a few not-so-standard op shopping areas. I can't remember where she took me...even though I was driving!

But Logan Central has a couple of good shops which proved excellent for cheaply priced retro bric a brac. I'm finding myself drawn to studio pottery lately...mainly because it's inexpensive and no one else seems to want it! Yeah...yeah...there's probably a reason for that!

Pottery vignette
L to R: Bay Keramik pottery vase, cup from Monte Lupo, studio pottery bowl make unknown
I picked up a studio pottery bowl which I can't identify from the back stamp but it had a fantastic shape and interesting glaze which appealed to me. It was only $3.

Vintage Sydney souvenir scarf. Made in Japan
I also found an amazing graphical souvenir scarf which I couldn't leave behind. I'm passing it on to a friend.

Carina Lifeline is also another goodie but the prices are slightly more expensive. I found a West German Bay Keramik pottery vase to add to my growing collection. It has a contemporary look to it...not sure how old it is though.

Don't fret that I'm becoming a hoarder though. Jason will never allow it. What comes in gets swapped out. I've done a mini-clean up of all the old baby gear which was stored under our house and donated it. And our kitchen cabinets have also been picked over and re-released into the big wide world.


  1. There's a Lifeline Supa Warehouse or something at Logan which you can see if you're driving down the motorway. I wonder if that's the one you've been to?

    I love studioware too. It's so 70s and pottery-ish.

    Working sucks. I have no time for anything any more. There's no studioware in the city. Let me tell you. I've looked.

  2. Bogan central, who knew?! Oxley and Sumner Park have been okay for me in the past, although I don't really bother with op shops now, isn't it nice to have the freedom to be able to.

  3. Hello Anita:
    You fdo sound to be very disciplined with your new things in, old things out motto! If only we could hold to this. Unfortunately, we tend to be of the mind that more is more and even more is even better. But, perhaps one day when we absolutely cannot move round the apartment, the day will have come to rationalise!

    Your 'studio' pieces look wonderful. As you say, they seem to not be very popular at present and so represent a bargain. However, their day will come again....!!!

  4. Surely these pots will be extremely useful as you'll be able to hoard Stuff in them, thus concealing Stuff from Jason's throwaway eye?

  5. omg omg that scarf is AMAZING !! I so see it framed on a wall ... love ! le xox

  6. I'm an Op shopper from way back and still partake occasionally. Usually I can suss out the offerings quick smart.
    Pottery was the rage when I was first married so I filled our house to the brim with it so I've been there done that and I ain't going back lol.

  7. That scarf is a beaut! I like your theory of buying/getting rid of. Something I try to do, too, but I'm not v good at (especially concerning shoes).

  8. I say chairs no one sits on and surfaces covered in brown and orange pottery are the bases for a very happy life, glad you have joined my band wagon ha xxx

  9. That scarf would look amazing framed! I think there's some very dodgy "studio pottery" (ie art school chaos pottery) under mum and dad's house. Signed by a bloody useless potter called Sarah B x

  10. I do love a good op shop myself, and you sound as though you have the perfect quid pro quo worked out - old baby gear for fabulous 'new' vintage treasures. And your eye puts it all together so well Anita. x

  11. So nice to meet you yesterday Anita - had a great lunch! Hop we can do it again soon. Simone - beach Vintage

  12. Oh my - I'm sure I've filled Carina Lifeline several times when I've had a clean out. I went to Logan Central yesterday for my daughter's dance Eisteddfod. It's a whole other world out there. Who knew?

  13. I hit Logan central a while back- it was worth the drive. So clever of you to collect something that a million people are not chasing. I am working hard on the un- hoarding over here too, and I am very selective about what comes home, you have no idea the number of pyrexes that get left in the shop! melx

  14. I do like the thought of rereleasing our spares into the big wide world again...even if it is through St Vinnies in my case. A friend of mine recently bought one of the recipe books which I had rereleased the week before...she was thrilled with it and I was thrilled that it had found a fab new home!


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