
Thursday 16 August 2012

Side stairs progress

You gotta love tradies who will work on a public holiday. Mr D and Scotty arrived at 6am and commenced constructing the new side stairs.

The morning was like this:

Mr D the builder clamping the timber in place..

This was first thing in the morning. The boys put the tall timber posts into the metal stirrups.

Throughout the day we could see steady progress. Jason pitched in as the first year builder's apprentice. He got all the monkey boy jobs, like priming the timber ends, holding posts and beams straight and passing tools to the lads.

Jason must've been a useful part of the team, because later in the morning the lads whisked him away to have smoko with them. He's in, our wannabe tradie Jason.

The first of the timber stair stringers is being fitted

Mr D uses an awesome pink drill, which will now be referred to as the lifestyle drill (I've made a mental not for Jason this Father's Day)
Jason took the opportunity to pull down the side fence which had fully rotted in the supporting posts. It was starting to get to that dangerous stage, so Jason dumped most of the fence into the rubbish skip Mr D had organised for the stairs.

We'll widen the path for easier access to our backyard
We'll also be removing the garden bed closest to the house as it narrows our path. It will allow us to have a wider more direct route to our side stairs.

Later down the track, we'll probably reinstate a new side fence, but that can wait until we have more time and money!

By late afternoon, the boys got through quite a bit of work with the stairs very close to completion. They'll be coming back over the weekend to finish the balustrades and nail the final few decking boards onto the back landing.

almost complete stairs

The second stage of the process is to add a roof, but we have to wait until Mr D and Scotty are between building projects. They're busy people.


  1. I can't believe stairs take a day(ish) to build. I must speak to the big Fella about this.

  2. Ahh, it must be bliss to see such progress (and get a safe set of stairs to boot.) We decided to fork out $1500 to temporarily fix the maintenance issues on ours. xx

  3. Wow, all that in one day! And I was interested to see how different your stringers are to ours, which are like a giant sawtooth.

    Silly question: is the roof just over the landing or all the way down the stairs?

  4. What a great team you have there getting so much done in 1 day. Its looking great.

  5. Hello:
    This seems to us to be a very good day's work. We should imagine that you are most pleased with the progress to date and we think that it will all look most attractive when complete.

  6. Just wanted to say that Mr D wanted to let everyone know that what you've seen is 3 days worth of work, day 1 demolition and digging/concreting,day 2 dressing timber/cutting stringers and doing the mathematics, day 3 construction. Still fast I reckon.

  7. Bravo fellas, well done.
    I think it's so funny we are both consumed by stairs at the moment.

  8. Thanks everyone! Tricia Rose, the roof will cover the entire stairs to give us undercover access to the laundry.
    The builders did a lot of prep work leading up to assembling the stairs, so it's been more than just a day...!!

  9. Thanks Melissa for clarifying on behalf of Mr D! x

  10. Such progress! Surely Jason has learnt enough now just to finish it off himself, with the pink drill perhaps? melx

  11. Great progress Brismod. They look terrific!

  12. Impressed, showing on a public holiday! Great advert for them! It's looking so good, you guys must as happy as pigs in mud....or some other happy...thing?

    Have an awesome Friday,


  13. I love seeing houses being built. I know it's messy, I know it's hard going througha renovation or a brand new construction, it was my job, I know what it's like. It can be hell. Still I love it.


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