
Sunday 24 March 2013

Of dodgy backs and dodgy towel rails

For the past few days my perspective on all things has been mostly horizontal. I've injured my back with just a mere twist and a turn. And I have been lying prone on my bed bemoaning my misfortunes to all unfortunate to be in my presence. Sadly for my family, I'm not a stoic patient... but painkillers are my new best friends.

My cocktail of prescription medicine.
(If it were Jason, he'd have kept calm and carried on while renovating the Sow's Ear...unless he had man-flu)

With me being completely out of action this weekend (not that it really matters on the renovating front), Jason kindly finished the sanding of the first coat of tile paint in the bathroom and applied the final coat of white tile paint (and washed, cooked and performed the domestic minuets to keep the Sow's Ear running).

The bathroom looks so fantastic and has exceeded all our expectations. I won't show you the final photos now, because I still need to give the bathroom floors a good scrub-a-dub-dub and I'd like to get the final bits and bobs to pretty up the room.

Also while Jason was finishing off the sanding he accidentally bumped the new towel rails. You know the towel rails which we weren't entirely happy here.

Well, it seems we were right to be dubious of them because one broke away from the wall and the other towel rail twisted out of  its backing plate when Son #2 hung his towel on Friday. Dodgy! Flimsy as paper were those chrome towel rails. We didn't even get a month out of them - a waste of good time and good money.
Where the towel rails used to hang before it broke.
On a happier note, the tile painting looks fab!

Note well: do not compromise on your fixtures and fittings. Step away from the blister pack. You do get what you pay for with things like bathroom fittings, which really ought to withstand everyday use. We should've known better...

I'll be ordering some new sturdier towel rails this week. 


  1. Wow, the tiles look awesome - it looks like you've had the bathroom re-tiled. Can't wait to see more of your "temp" bathroom reno pics. xx

  2. The tiles look great, hope the back improves, although your "cocktail" must be keeping you comfortably numb :-)

  3. I hope you take the towel rails from Dodge right back to where they came from. If customers return rubbish enough then retailers wouldn't sell it! I'm looking forward to the 'big reveal'.

  4. P.S...I hope your back doesn't keep you in bed for too much longer!

  5. Sympathies. I did my back in sewing a roman blind... a little over-stretching is all it takes.

  6. It's looking great. I found some really good towel rails on-line from Pottery Barn. But I also liked the selection at Restoration Station in Brisbane.

  7. I hope you are back on your feet asap. Back pain is horrible (says me who is sitting here with a heat pack on my dodgy neck). The tiles look fab and I look forward to seeing it all finished :)

  8. The tiles look amazing, well worth the hard work... very crisp to match the rest of the house... yes we bought dodgy too but only because one day they will be tossed out when we re-do the bathroom (i hope you took them back to the store for a refund) !!!

  9. p.s i always like to look online at Reece and go into the store... they have so much selection for all diff styles and even though expensive you know you are getting good quality...

  10. The tiles look amazing,hope they wash well too. Hope your back is feeling better soon.


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