
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Plans for the Easter break

With the Easter break looming, there are four clear days for some renovating mayhem...

Jason and I were just discussing what our plans are for this long weekend...we like to make the most of the holidays especially when Jason has time off work.

Should we work on the weedy garden and repair some garden edging?  Should we paint the VJs under the house in the garage? Should Jason make a start on the valance around the back deck? Should we try to refit a new toilet cistern in the freshened up bathroom?

So many choices...I think we will be guided by budget for this long weekend and try to get some bang for our measly buck. The yard is definitely in need for some TLC, so we may end up devising a plan to get it in better shape. Pruning and weeding is cheap.

Also we have a bush turkey which has been visiting the back corner of our yard under the mango tree. If we are out and about in the yard this weekend it may deter it from getting too comfortable...Blasted thing!

This is the tree which was chopped down a couple of months ago.
You can see that the garden edging has fallen down and needs to be repaired.
There are quite of few spots like this which require attention. 

Have you got any big plans for your Easter break?


  1. I hope you have a great easter weekend! It has krept up, i am not quite sure yet what I will be doing but looking forward to it!
    Laura x

    1. Thanks Laura! It's so nice to have some free time though! x

  2. It looks as if landscaping is in my immediate future. We can compare blisters and aching backs!

    1. It will be satisfying aches and pains Dana xx

  3. I know what yoy mean about measly budget - ours is zero! So, there will be pruning and gardening going on here, along with chocolate comsumption!

    1. Sarah, gardening is cheaper than all of the other things on our list and it will also cancel put the chocolate consumption Xx

  4. My mum and gorgeous 3 year old nephew will be visiting, so unfortunately not too much renovating here this weekend. L has to work a bit too-boo :(.
    We might keep painting downstairs, maybe a bit in the garden. Mostly enjoying my gorgeous boy and hopefully relaxing at the beach!!

    1. Relaxing at the beach sound heavenly, Sweetness, especially if you've tackled some of your other jobs. xx

  5. road trip!!!...lord help me we are heading north to visit some dear friends. both my kids get car sick so im already frazzled thinking about it....I think id rather be weeding and pruning! x

    1. Ha! Allison, I don't envy your road trip at all at this time of year. Sounds like the destination will be worth it if it's to see some good mates though Xx


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