
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Vertical blinds

On the weekend we removed two sets of vertical blinds from our living room sliding doors.

The vertical blinds in the living room just before we moved in.
I posted a photograph of the vertical blinds on Instagram while we were taking them down...from reading the comments, it seems many people are not only anti-vertical blind but vehemently anti-vertical blind! So funny.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan either but we did leave the vertical blinds up just to see whether we actually needed them or not, given the sun sets on this side of the house.

After living here for nearly two months and during the last mini heatwave before autumn, it seemed we could live without them. We really had no need to draw the vertical blinds as the sunscreen on the patio and the mature trees were definitely enough to diffuse the sunlight and offer sufficient privacy.

So off they came! Vertical blinds will probably come back in vogue, now we have removed them. Ha! And yes, I am sure they will come back in...but probably not in this home though...

If we do end up having a window covering for the living room, I'd be happy enough to have ceiling to floor sheer curtains. Like this:

It would be a better fit for the mid-century era of the house, however that is something we can think about much later down the track.

What do you think about vertical blinds? Do you reckon they will make a comeback too?


  1. In the UK vertical blinds are most frequently seen in offices. The sheers will make your living room feel more cosy. Personally though, if they're not needed, I'd rather have the view and the feeling of light and space.

    1. I suspect curtains might not be needed either and the feeling of light and space is so much better. xx

  2. I really hope they don't make a comeback! I find them really awkward....

    1. Everything comes back in fashion...who would've thought fluoro/neon would come back in...xx

  3. God, I hope not! I loathe them. I've managed to get rid of almost every vertical blind in the house, except for one wall where we plan to put some french doors leading to a deck. We need something there in the meantime and I can't justify new window coverings on windows that will hopefully no longer exist soon.

    1. Gosh, we'd have left them up if we had is expensive to replace blinds and curtains! xx

  4. We had verticals in our living room window which is very large and looks straight out onto the street, so they were great for privacy - until the stopped opening and closing. How we have some roller blinds that are half solid and half mesh in alternate stripes so you can have them all the way up, all solid or alternating solid and mesh depending on what you want, I would prefer to have nothing, but needs must! Hope you find a good solution. xx

    1. argh!! Nothing worse than blinds that don't work! I think we will probably have nothing for the while...unless something changes with privacy etc. xx

  5. I even hate vertical blinds in an office situation, so loathsome are they. I don't know why. They just seem to be anathema to everything tasteful and aesthetically pleasing. We don't have any window coverings - and luckily we don't need them - but I did find some very heavy curtains under the house from previous owners. I agree with the sheers if you find you need a window covering. Very chic.

    1. Ha ha! So maybe they won't seems like you can't sit on the fence with verticals...Lucky you don't need window coverings at your place! xx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am definitely in the 'loathe 'em' camp. That said though, there are situations where I am yet to find a cost-effective solution other than verticals. Over sliding doors for example. They offer great adjustable privacy and lighting options and are light weight / easy to use. When someone invents an aesthetic match to their practicality I'll buy shares in the company!

  8. I'm in the "not a fan" camp myself. When privacy is not an issue, I always opt for no window treatments at all, not only for the open look and beautiful light, but because I hate dust-gathering blinds and curtains. I'm glad the screen and trees offer you enough coverage so that the blinds could come down.

  9. We had them at the beach house and the windows were always open for the breeze, trying to sleep with the constant tapping and banging was a B%%$$##dy nightmare, would never use them ever, anywhere again. Seriously, they are just butt ugly and hard to keep clean as well.

  10. Interesting reading this article! We have vertical blinds that were here when we purchased our home. They have seen better days and would love to replace them with something else but what? Any suggestions out there that won't cost a bomb?


Love to read your comments